Exclusive Interview: Chauncy Welliver

By Charles Presnell


Exclusive Interview: Chauncy Welliver

Chauncy, you have an upcoming fight with Chad Van Sickle, how has preparation going for this fight?
Preparation is great and I feel more than ready. I have been sparring great sparring partners, and I know it will be a terrific fight as Chad can fight, and I have to respect him as he has held 2 major titles. He's 1-0 against good fighters from Spokane, so I have to train harder than anything to ring a win back home.

Do you feel like you will have a good strength advantage because Van Sickle has fought mostly as a cruiserweight?
I'm a strong guy even though not a huge hitter. Chad is a strong guy. Chad is naturally bigger than me. He's taller and he turned pro at 280lbs, though I'm sure he was out of shape, I have been for most of my career also.   Though I am bigger now, I would have to say nobody has the advantage in strength.
Throughout your career you have been more of a boxer, do you feel you can knockout the smaller man?

I think anybody can be knocked out, but as you've said, I'm more a boxer, so I'll have to just see what happens. Boxing or brawling I will be ready for whatever he has to bring. Chad has a great chin though, and has proved that by not getting stopped after fighting great opposition, so if I had to guess, I would say this is going 10, but if a KO presents itself, I will go for it.
Speaking of cruiserweights, there is a proposed fight between you and former cruiserweight champion Kelvin Davis, who would be your biggest fight if it comes off, how do you feel of this opportunity?

Kelvin Davis is a terrific fighter, and a great champion, but hasn't been looking so great lately. He's fought great fighters but doesn't seen to be as strong at cruiser than he is at heavyweight. I think he may be drying out a little too much.  I think this is by far my biggest fight, and I really have to thank Ed Mendy for pulling through on this fight, but there's no fight with Kelvin without getting through Chad Van Sickle, who I feel is a great risk of a fight.
You have won 13 straight in the last two years against light opposition, are you happy to be taking a step up in competition?

I am more than happy to be stepping it up in opposition; I've been trying to do it for years now. Where I'm from there are no promoters who have the money to bring in good opponents, so I've been stuck fighting so so fighters, but I'm ready for the next step and can't wait to prove it.
You're only 23 with 36 fights, how many more fights do you feel you will need to become a legitimate contender?
I'm 23 and don't have to step it just yet, but I want to. I feel with my record I'm 1 fight away from being a legit contender, just have to nail down the big fight. I feel with wins over Van Sickle and Davis I will be a legit contender. Beating guys like Billy Zumbrun is good, but these upcoming fights are great for me. Beating Chad will push me over the limit for the Northwest, and beating Davis will put me higher in the world rankings, so this summer will be a tough one, but I am ready for a tough time.

Is there anything else you would like to tell the world on Boxingtalk?

I plan on fighting until the end of this year, but I do plan on starting my own promotion company very soon, and will get it started in the South Pacific, New Zealand, Fiji, Vanuatu, and places like that, just to get started. After the summer I will go down there, and my first promotion could consist of me and Kali Meehan which would be a huge fight down there, and as a promoter, hopefully a great sell. My promotion company will be called 509fightclub, and the site will be 509fightclub.com


Send questions and comments to: presnellcharles@yahoo.com