Exclusive Interview: Alfredo Angulo

By Michael Gonzalez


Exclusive Interview: Alfredo Angulo

Boxingtalk recently caught up with undefeated super middleweight prospect Alfredo “Perro” Angulo (12-0, 9 ko’s).  The ultra aggressive Angulo will face Richard Gutierrez (24-1, 14 ko’s) May 17th on an HBO televised card from Miami, Florida.  Read on to find out what’s happening with “Perro.”

BT:          How’s everything going?

AA:         Good, just getting ready for May 17th.

BT:          What are your thoughts on your upcoming opponent Richard Gutierrez?

AA:         Well, he’s a good fighter.  He’s my next rival.  He’s just the next guy, you know.  [laughs]

BT:          What do you think will be your advantages in this fight?

AA:         The same as always, my preparation.  To me there is no advantage or disadvantage.  The only advantage is a conscientious preparation.

BT:          When do you plan another step up in class?  What’s the plan?

AA:         I leave that to my promoter Gary Shaw.  I’m ready to go whenever he’s ready.  My job is to train and fight towards, hopefully, a championship.

BT:          How would you describe your style?  Your thought process in the ring?

AA:         Well, I would say I’m a slugger.  But I adjust to whatever it takes to win.  It if means boxing, then I box.  If it means standing and trading, then I can stand and trade.

BT:          So you’ve been coming out looking for the knockout?

AA:         Well up to now, thank god.  But it depends on the fighter, if they lend themselves to trading, why not?  If the fighter turns out to be a boxer, then you have to fight in a different manner and try to decipher their style.

BT:          Why do they call you “Perro”?

AA:         [laughs] “Perro”  Because I fight like a dog.

BT:          You adjust to your opponent?

AA:         I boxed many different styles at the international level; different, rare and problematic.  Thankfully, up to now we have been able resolve everything in the best manner possible.

BT:          Is that what makes you so confident in the ring?

AA:         A bit, but what really gives me piece of mind since I don’t have so many fights is knowing I’m learning from the best in the world.  Antonio Margarito, Ricky Hatton, Carlos Baldomir and Roy Jones Jr. are a few that I’ve had a chance to work with.  That’s my experience.

BT:          What would you like to say in closing?   

AA:         When you see “Perro” on the bill, you’re in for a good show.


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