Exclusive Interview: Alfonso Gomez

By Brad Cooney


Exclusive Interview: Alfonso Gomez

Boxingtalk.com hooked up with NBC Contender Alfonso Gomez and discussed his upcoming fight against Jesse Feliciano ( 14-5-2). The big fight is part of The Contender's Latin Warriors card, and is slated for May 4th at the Aladdin Resort & Casino in Las Vegas Nevada. Gomez also talks about his desire to get a crack at Julio Cesar Chavez Jr , and Sergio Mora as well. Boxingtalk.com welcomes NBC's Contender Alfonso Gomez.

BT - Alfonso talk about your big fight coming up on May 4th against Jesse Feliciano on The Latin Warriors Card.

AG - Yes, I fought this guy twice before. I remember that he comes forward and does not give up. He gets mad when you hit him (laughs). This guy is a fighter and try to wins at whatever the cost.

BT - You had two big fights against Peter Manfredo Jr, what are your thoughts on those two fights?

AG - Man let me tell you, those were both wars. Many of the guys that were there said that those were the two best fights of the show. It's too bad that Peter has gone up in weight to 168lb, I really wanted to make a third fight with him at maybe 154lbs. Peter is making big steps at 168 and I want to follow those footsteps in the Welterweight Division.

BT - Alfonso, did you see Manfredo Jr knock out Pemberton?

AG - I was very happy to see Peter do well. I didn't think he would be able to knock Pemberton out that fast. When he fought Sergio he had some trouble with Sergio's speed, and movement. Scott Pemberton is tall like Sergio is, so I thought that may prove to be a challenge for Peter. Peter did amazing, he's improved a lot since being with Freddie Roach, and from what I hear he has a chance to fight Joe Calzaghe.

BT -  Would you like to take a crack at Sergio, and take his Contender Title?

AG - Yes, I definitely would like to fight Sergio. I think that's the only fight that I would come up in weight to 160lbs to make happen. To me that's the fight all of The Contender fans want to see, even The Contender people want to see. For me to take that fight though, I think there should be a good amount of money, and for the right reason. If I fight Sergio , or I fight a bum it is the same money. Right now I want to take care of Jesse Feliciano. After this next fight there can be talks about a fight with Sergio, or Julio Cesar Chavez Jr.

BT - Alfonso some of Chavez Jr's critics say he has not stepped up yet, how do you see yourself matching up against him?

AG - More than anything, it would be a very attractive fight in Mexico. Almost 90 percent of Mexico saw The Contender, and both me and Chavez Jr are very popular down in Mexico. Yes, people say he has not stepped up yet and who better to step up against, than me? The Heart Of Mexico, we could call the card, The Heart Of Mexico.

BT - Alfonso, how has your life changed since being on The Contender?

AG - Well the whole world has been lifted off of my shoulders. I used to work at a tele-marketing company, a call center. I used to have to worry about paying rent, living in a one bedroom apartment, mom and dad struggling, etc... Then the big break came, and I got on The Contender. The Contender was the perfect opportunity for me to get into the public eye. Right now, I don't have to work, just concentrate on boxing.

BT - You and your family are very, very close. Talk about how important your family is to you.

AG - Very, very important, my family always supported me. The main reason for this is because their parents didn't support them the way they should have. My mother wanted to be a singer, and everyone told her how beautiful her voice was. My grandfather told her 'no, I am the one paying your school, you're going to be a doctor'. Now she has a medical degree, but she's a psychologist because she doesn't want to be a doctor. So my parents said that whatever our kids want to do, we will support them. Ever since I was a kid I wanted to be famous, and have money. I wanted to be an actor too, but boxing happened. I started winning fights, and people saw that I have talent. My parents made so many sacrifices for me, and all of those sacrifices have paid off. I am so very grateful for my parents.

BT - Ishe Smith is with Golden Boy, and Manfredo Jr has made is it clear he's not happy with The Contender contract. Alfonso, are you happy with how The Contender has treated you, and are you happy with your contract?

AG - Well The Contender is a blessing. Before The Contender I was earning two thousand bucks a fight, fighting tough guys like Ishe Smith. I fought Ishe for six hundred dollars man. With The Contender I am earning more money, and I am the Co Main Event on this Latin Warriors Card, and I have been promised to be the Main Event on my next fight. Honestly, I don't think in 2 years that I would have been in the position that I am in right now if it wasn't for The Contender. I know Peter Manfredo Jr is not pleased because he wants to fight more often. I want to fight more too, but I understand that The Contender is a brand new Promotion company, and they are learning their way through this business. I have nothing bad to say about The Contender at all.

BT - What's 2006 going to have in store for you Alfonso?

AG - Well I have been talking to my manager, and I want to fight Julio Cesar Chavez Jr. I also would like to fight the winner of The Contender 2 for his title. If I win that title, I would like to fight Mora for his title, for the Contender fans, that's a big deal. I have options, and I am hoping to go for them very soon.

BT - Alfonso talk to all of your many fans out there.

AG - I want to tell them to come support The Contender. I know you want to see more Contender fights, so please be patient. You're going to see more Alfonso Gomez, more Sergio Mora, more Peter Manfredo Jr. After the Contender 2 is over, there will be even more fights lined up. I hope all of you can come out and support the big Latin Warriors Card. I am looking forward to having a big weekend!


Send questions and comments to: bradcooney@boxingtalk.com