Exclusive Interview: Adam Richards

By Brad Cooney


Exclusive Interview: Adam Richards

Boxingtalk ran into heavyweight prospect Adam “Swamp Donkey” Richards in Tunica, Mississippi on Saturday night.  Richards is trained by famed fight trainer Ronnie Shields, and is under the tutelage of 4 time heavyweight champion, Evander Holyfield.  Richards is scheduled to get back into the ring in December.

BT – What's up Adam, what's the latest with you?

AR – Not much, just taking a weekend off and enjoying the fights here in Tunica.

BT – When can your fans see you back in the ring?

AR – I'm looking at getting back into the ring in December.  I will start training on the 4th of November, and will fight again in December here in Tunica.

BT – Do you have an opponent for that fight yet?

AR – No not yet.

BT – You train with Ronnie Shields, talk about what he does for your career.

AR – Man, he has taken my career off like a rocket.  I am like a sponge just soaking up all of the knowledge that I can from him, and from Evander Holyfield.  It's a learning experience, I mean I have my 21st fight coming up, and I am still learning.

BT – 2008 is right around the corner, what's the game plan for the new year?

AR – Right out of the gate were looking for an NABA, or an NABO title, I am ready to step right on up.  We'll see what happens.

BT – You have a great relationship with Prizefight Promotions, talk about what they have done for your career.

AR – They have been great, they have been awesome.  I will never forget Prizefight, anything that they ever I am there for them.  Brian and Russ Young has had my back for years, so I am there for them.

BT – Closing thoughts for the fans?

AR – Come out and see my show, I am getting leaner, I am getting stronger, and I will knock someone out.  Thanks to all of my fans for their continued support.


Send questions and comments to: bradcooney1@bellsouth.net