Exclusive Conference Call: Paul Malignaggi-Joel Casamayor

By G. Leon


Exclusive Conference Call: Paul Malignaggi-Joel Casamayor

The War Of Words Has Begun

GL:  Let's keep it civilized.  I asked Joel if he would fight Paulie, he said yeah.  Paulie told me he saw Joel talking some smack.  Now here you are on a conference call together exclusively on Boxingtalk.  What's the deal? Joel Casamayor: Listen up, we want to congratulate you.  You had a nice little win on HBO, but you've never fought anyone in my class. 

PM:  I don't know, I think Miguel Cotto is in a better class than Casamayor.  I'll admit Casamayor is up there in class.  I'll give you that much.  Don't say I've never fought anybody in that class, I think I've fought better than that class. 

JC:  Miguel Cotto. That's the only person that you fought, and he sent you right back down.  That's the only person you fought.

PM:  I know, but he's never been beat.  Casamayor has been beat already, so it's a different class or level there.  I've fought a guy who's never been beat and still hasn't been beaten.  He's still knocking guys out.  That guy is in a higher class than Casamayor.

JC:  (In Spanish) So fight, come on!  Let's fight right now!  I'll put you to sleep!

PM:  Speak English, please. I can't understand what you guys are saying.  Look everybody's yelling, one at a time, please.  I have to understand what you are saying.

GL:  Louie, translate!  What is Casamayor saying?

JC:  All you have to do is sign the contract. 

PM:  Who want's the fight?  Somebody's got to buy it.  Call my promoter, let him know you want the fight, and let him figure out who's going to buy it.  This is a business, someone has to buy the fight.  We can say we want to fight each other, but someone has to buy it.

JC:  I just called DiBella today, that already happened.  Just tell him you want the fight, and don't punk out.  I already talked to DiBella about the fight. 

PM:  Make sure you've got the TV rights, make sure you have something.  Where are we going to fight, on the corner?  Somebody has got to buy the fight. 

JC:  Like I said, we're going to call DiBella today to make the fight.  Tell him you want the fight, don't back down.

PM:  I don't care about the Ring Magazine belt.  You could fight once every five years, and they won't strip you of your belt. That's a real title, I understand.

JC:  You don't recognize it, because you don't have it.

PM:  I don't give a shit about it.  I have to fight in my career, I got this belt in the ring.  I beat a guy that I didn't want to fight.  Your boy Casamayor fought once in like three years.  Come on, that's not a real champ.  That's easy work.  Just call DiBella, don't talk to me.  I can't make the fight, call him.  He already knows I want the fight, call DiBella.

GL:  Easy work, Paulie?

PM:  I don't deal with the legal shit, I just talk the shit.  Easy work, the guys an old man.

GL:  He's an old man?

PM:  He's an old man, come on!  You saw what happened to the last old man that tried to fight me.  Look at this weekend.  What happened to him?  Another old man, come on.  I said before I beat N'dou, it's a young man's sport.  Guy's don't want to listen.

GL:  I think they hung up.

PM:  I was wondering why they weren't talking back.

GL:  They must have got disconnected yelling so loudly.

PM:  That touched a nerve.  That old man part touched a nerve.

GL:  Before we got disconnected Paulie was saying that fighting an old man is easy work to him.  We just saw what happened to an old man with Castillo, and Casamayor is just like him, an old man.  Easy work.

PM:  You said you have the Ring magazine title, but you have to defend the Ring magazine title.  You fight like once a year.

JC:  Greg, listen.  I'm talking to Greg, because I don't even want to talk to you anymore.  Everybody knows who Casamayor is, outside of Brooklyn no one knows who you are.  Let's just get the fight on.

PM:  I just won a fight!  What do you mean they don't know who I am?  People don't know who Casamayor is, they won't even buy the fight.  Try making this fight, call the networks.  Tell them to make the fight, see what they tell you.  Make the fight, make it!  Stop talking shit!  Call the promoter, talk to the TV networks, and make the fight.  Go ahead!

GL:  If you guys want to make the fight, you need to speak sensibly. 

PM:  If you want to make the fight, make the fight.  You're the Ring magazine champ.

GL:  What does the Ring magazine champ do to the IBF junior welterweight champ that says he's easy work?

JC:  I'm sorry that I'm getting loud on BoxingTalk.  I just want to show the world that I am the best fighter, that's all I have to say.

PM:  Call my promoter to make the fight. Lou DiBella knows what I told him about the fight.  Call my promoter, and make the fight.  I want the fight, go ahead.  I don't know if he knows about it, but we'll make it happen.  It's not just up to me to make it happen, you keep saying let's make it happen.  You do your part.  Do I look like a lawyer to you?  I'm saying let's make it happen, so let's both do our part.

JC:  Greg look, we're ready to fight.

PM:  I appreciate you guys, I'm willing to go anytime, any day.  It doesn't matter.

GL:  So now I'm going to call up Lou DiBella and tell him you want to fight, and he needs to make it happen.

PM:  It's as simple as that.

JC:  Exactly.

PM:  Gotta go to work, baby.


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