Don "Da Bomb" George back in action August 26!

By Socrates Palmer Jr


Don "Da Bomb" George back in action August 26!

Donovan “Da Bomb” George, the 21 year old Windy City wunderkind will be back in the ring on August 26th. George once again will fight under the banner of Chicago based promoter, Dominic Pelosi in an 8 Count Promotions fight card. George will be making his 11th fight as a professional and will look to improve on his record of 9-0-1.The last time out for George was on July 21st. On this night he disposed of, journeyman Joe Varela. “Da Bomb” knocked out the Arizona based opponent at the 2:55 mark of the 1st round to earn his seventh straight victory and also his seventh knockout.
“I honestly wish I would have gotten more rounds. I went in with the mentality of this being a tough fight. I was happy with my performance overall I give my self a 9 out of a 10, simply because I did not know this guy was a southpaw until the bell rang. It didn’t worry me or anything like; I was just more like wow he’s standing left handed. It caught me off guard but it was no big deal, I had fought lefty’s before”, said George.
“I did not want to rush him, I wanted to establish my jab but I hurt him early like maybe 20 to 30 seconds into the fight. I hit him with a fairly good shot, a right hand on the chin and he just fell like a sack of potatoes”, said George.

Another surprise to “Da Bomb” was that due to a bout cancellation he was thrust into the main event on this night. For the undefeated blue chip middleweight prospect it was special because he would be the headliner for the first time and it was in his home town of Chicago, Illinois. After the first round annihilation of the aforementioned Valero, some of the hometown faithful flooded the ring.
“Da Bomb, got mobbed, they jumped in the ring and disregarded security, It’s the first time I ever saw anything like that in years,” stated Michael.
“It was really nice fighting at home again. After the fight when everyone jumped in the ring it made me feel like a rock star. It took nearly 30 minutes for us to get out of the ring after shaking hands and taking pictures. It was also very cool being in the big locker room. I think I can get used to being a main event fighter,” said George.
According to Mike Michael, the voice of Cestus Management it was the beginning of many more main event appearances to come for George throughout his career. Michael says that he does not like to compare his fighters to anyone else. However when pressed to make a contrast with someone from the past or present, Michael said that “Da Bomb” reminds him of the legendary Argentinean middleweight great Carlos Monzon with a twist of Colombian middleweight champion of the 1970’s Rodrigo Valdez.
Michael sees his undefeated prospect as part of a new regime of fighters that will dominate the sport in the upcoming years. On the other hand, Michael feels that “Da Bomb” brings the characteristics champions of yesteryear.. However Michael says that the most striking aspect of his protégé,” is how he is outside of the ring. Michael awes at the maturity and professionalism of his fighter. George is quick to give all credit his demeanor to his trainer and father Peter George. 
“I don’t like to make comparisons but I will say is that “Da Bomb” is one of the most talented fighters I have ever worked with,” said Michael.

This is very high praise from Michael, when you consider that he worked for Panos Eliades. Eliades is the promoter who helped shape the career of a British/Jamaican heavyweight named Lennox Lewis, in the 1990’s. Michel stresses that what sets “Da Bomb” apart from his contemporaries is the dedication and maturity that he posses. By his own admission George is still very much a 21 year old young man. He enjoys bowling with his brother and hanging out with his friends. Nonetheless he realizes that there is a time and a place for everything. You won’t see George splurging his earnings on over sized necklaces and frivolous things of that nature. At least not yet, George knows that he has a long way to go before he can be this audacious.

“Cars, and stuff like that will come later on. Everything goes hand in hand; success breeds the big money in this sport. Later on I will buy the big toys. Right now I am really focused on achieving great things in this sport. My parents brought me up this way and my work ethic comes from them”, said George.
So far it has been a tidal wave of success for the duo of “Da Bomb” and Michael. So how does “Team Bomb” keep “Da Bomb” from exploding prematurely? In the past year and a half, several highly touted fighters when presented with their first true test have failed. Prospects like welterweights, Joel Julio and Vincente Escobedo, to fellow middleweights the “Chin Checkers,” Jaidon Codrington and Curtis Stevens have tasted defeat way before their fans and promoters expected. So how do you keep promising young boxers from believing their own hype?
“This is boxing and anyone can get picked off, except Don. Fighters who believe their own hype and get beat by guys that they are not supposed to are guys who cut corners. These guys go through their opponents knocking everyone out and they just want to rely on their power. Thy lose focus and start to slack off, they start to cut corners in their training, they forget the reason why they started boxing”, said Michael. 
“The way Cestus Management is grooming “Da Bomb” is like the way fighters used to be brought up. The only way to learn your craft is in the ring. You have to be active, you fight different styles, that’s the way it used to be when boxing was boxing,” said Michel.

As of yet no opponent has been named for “Da Bomb” however one thing that is for sure George will have a big home crowd advantage. George will be lacing up his gloves in front of a partisan home town crowd as the venue is slated to be Aragon Ballroom in his backyard of Chicago, Illinois.

“The big wheels are turning. I am happy with my career and I feel everything is falling into place. As long as I stay focused I will succeed. The last fight my opponent had more experience than me and I ate him up. I plan on doing that to all”, said George.


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