Dominic Guinn on the Path to Where He's Already Been

By Darren Nichols


Dominic Guinn on the Path to Where He's Already Been

"I’m training day in and day out to get to where I was when I was regarded as one of the best."

BoxingTalk:  Dominic, how is training going for your fight with Tony Thompson?

Dominic Guinn: Training is going really well.  I’ve been working on throwing combinations, blocking shots, and my punching.  We’re just tightening up some nuts and bolts.

BoxingTalk:  You are coming off a big win against Audley Harrison.  What do you feel you took away from that fight that you will be bringing in to the ring against Thompson?

Dominic Guinn:  I am going in there with another big southpaw with one loss.  Thompson hasn’t lost in a few years and he’s coming in to win.  He’s a good credible opponent and he’s better on his feet then Harrison.  It’s going to be a tough fight, but I’ve been in some tough fights before.

BoxingTalk:  Can we expect to see the same type of performance against Thompson that we saw you in against Harrison?

Dominic Guinn:  No, no no.  I’m going to let my hands go more.  When I fought Harrison, the first two or three punches I threw in that fight went to the body and he made an “oh” sound.  We were originally going in there to let my hands go, I just stayed on the body since it worked, so we stayed there.  This time we’re going to use the great tools I have and ones that Teddy Atlas wanted to see me use, which was to go outside and use my jab more.

BoxingTalk:  You and your trainer Joe Goossen devised a masterful plan to counter Harrison’s southpaw style.  Will you and Joe do something similar in this fight with Thompson, who also fights southpaw?

Dominic Guinn:  No, we’re have come up with some different things for this fight.

BoxingTalk:  Dominic, it seems as though you not only fight, but you go after opponents who possess the two qualities most try to avoid: a supersized stature and a southpaw style.  Why do you do it?

Dominic Guinn:  I like the test, and since I consider myself “The People’s Champion” I don’t want to duck any one.  The way I see it is I’d rather fight you now instead of stepping aside.  I’ll fight whoever I have to to get to the top.

BoxingTalk:  You were once heralded as the next best thing in the heavyweight division.  Do you feel you are on your way back to becoming just that?

Dominic Guinn:  Yes, and that’s what I’m trying to do.  I’m training day in and day out to get where I was when I was regarded as one of the best.  This win will put me where I was before my fight with Montet Barrett.

BoxingTalk:  I know you don’t overlook any opponent, but do you feel this fight is a tune-up fight for a title shot in the near future?

Dominic Guinn:  No.  I know I have to go in there to take care of business.

BoxingTalk:  It seems right now that every heavyweight title holder has someone penciled in for their next fight.  Who do you see facing first in your next title shot?

Dominic Guinn:  Serguei Lyakhovich.  When I fought him I was going in there with an injury after cutting myself on an exercise machine, and I was going in there dehydrated from the medication I was on.  I know I had Lyakhovich hurt in the later rounds, but I was tired and I had no push left in me.  I’d love to fight Hasim Rahman and the big Russian (Nikolay Valuev), and I want this win to get back on HBO and Showtime.

BoxingTalk:  What do we have to look forward to see from you in the second half of 2006?

Dominic Guinn:  Tune in to see the future of the heavyweight division. I’m “The People’s Champion,” and I’m going to win one belt so that I can put it up against the next belt.  I don’t want to win the belt, and then face someone in the top-10.  I want to become undisputed champion, and then retire.  That has been my goal since I turned pro.


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