Devon Alexander: The Best Prospect In Boxing Bar None?

By G. Leon


Devon Alexander: The Best Prospect In Boxing Bar None?

GL: Congrats on your victory over Miguel Callist, can you give us some thoughts on your performance? "I thought I did a good job, but I still gave myself a C-. I didn't go out there and fo what me and my coach trained to do. I'm glad we got the victory and I'm ready to move onto bigger and better things now."

GL: You won every single round, what did you fail to do that you and Kevin Cunningham were working on?

Devon Alexander: "I was hesitating a lot in the fight and I was following sometimes when I should have been cutting off the ring. We wanted the spectacular knockout in our backyard and it didn't come. We're just going back to the drawing board now."

GL: After beating two former world champions in your last two fights, where do you go from here?

DA: "I talked to my coach today and he likes a fight with me and Julio Diaz. He thinks that would be a good fight for me. I'm going to be ready for all of my fights, no matter who it is and I ain't taking nobody for granted. I'm leaving the opponents to Kevin and Don King, I'm going to tran hard and beat whoever they put in front of me."

GL: You seemed to be looking to knock Callist out with every punch, do you feel the same way?

DA: "I definitely feel that and so does my coach. We got to get back in the gym and work on that, instead of looking for one punch I got to let them go in combination to set the power up, so you definitely right Greg."

GL: What did you think about the Spinks fight?

DA: "I only saw a couple of rounds of it, I wasn't in the zone watching him fight like I usually be. I hate what happened with him and Kevin and I hate that he got a loss at home too."

GL: Were you surprised he lost a close decision at home?

DA: "I was very surprised, I didn't even look at the decision because I knew they were going to give it to Cory, but they gave it to Verno and I was shocked. I hope he can bounce back from this and learn from these mistakes. Him and Kevin are like family, we're all like family and I know he didn't feel comfortable with a different team and a different atmosphere and I think that had a lot to do with it also."

GL: What's the soonest you could be ready to fight?

DA: "They're talking about June or July. I'm ready to go, I got a lot of energy and I'm ready to let it come on out. I want to stay busy, climb up the rankings and hopefully get that world title by the end of the year."

GL: Closing thoughts?

DA: "I want to thank the best boxing site in the business, for keeping me out there, my boy Greg Leon and the rest of my fans, thanks for your support. I'm 15-0 now and I'm still moving so watch for me."


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