Demetrius Hopkins Prepares for Torres, but Eyes Witter

By Darren Nichols


Demetrius Hopkins Prepares for Torres, but Eyes Witter

"Junior Witter will see me, and when he does it will be dangerous."

BoxingTalk:  What’s the latest and greatest with Demetrius Hopkins?

Demetrius Hopkins:  What’s going on is I’m trying to get on with my career.  I have Cameron Dunkin as my adviser and manager now.  I’m a free agent and things are on hold with Golden Boy Promotions.  I want to move forward and prove to the world that I’m the best 140 out there.

BoxingTalk:  When can we expect to see you in the ring next?

Demetrius Hopkins:  We’re working on a fight with Ricardo Torres around May 10th.  I don’t know the location yet.  We’re still negotiating the fight, but it will against Torres for the WBO 140-pound title.

BoxingTalk:  What is your view of Torres as a fighter?

Demetrius Hopkins:  I know he’s slow as a turtle, but he can punch.  I’m not going to be sitting their like a target.  I’m going to give him a lot of movement, fast jabs, and fast combinations.  It’s all about if he can catch a chicken.

BoxingTalk:  Torres had a tough fight with Mighty Mike Arnaoutis and gave Miguel Cotto one of his toughest fights.  What is your strategy against Torres?

Demetrius Hopkins:  I thought Mighty Mike actually beat Torres.  The guys he’s fought are short.  I’m much bigger than Torres, and my body frame is much bigger than Torres’.  I’m going to use my reach, and use a lot of tricks.  We have a plan, and we’re ready to go.

BoxingTalk:  After your fight with Steve Forbes (cutting in)…

Demetrius Hopkins:  I was going through a lot of personal problems when I fought Forbes.  I’d love to fight Steve Forbes again to prove that I’m the best 140 pounder out there.  I think Steve is going to give De La Hoya a tough time and I’m picking Forbes to win.

BoxingTalk:  Many people felt you lost that fight with Forbes, but you came back in your very next fight and stopped your opponent before the first round ended.  What statement do you feel you made to the boxing world with that victory?

Demetrius Hopkins:  When you find yourself, the spark comes back.  I’m done playing around, and if you think you’re the best holla at me.

BoxingTalk:  Who would you like to face after Torres to prove you are the best junior welterweight in the divison?

Demetrius Hopkins:  First, after this fight, I would like to fight Junior Witter.  I don’t want him to think I ran from him, but he should know that on the business side for our scheduled March fight, things weren’t right.  Junior Witter will see me, and when he does it will be dangerous.

BoxingTalk:  What do you feel kept that fight from happening?

Demetrius Hopkins:  I’m not going to take $50,000 or $100,000 for a championship fight.  I want to get paid.  I’m not asking for much, but I have a family.  I’m 27 years old and the clock is ticking.

BoxingTalk:  If Torres can take your best shot, what do you do next?

Demetrius Hopkins:  The same thing you do when you take an ax to a tree.  I’ll keep chopping away.  Eventually that tree has got to fall.

BoxingTalk: What will you do next month to ensure that you are victorious against Torres?

Demetrius Hopkins:  A lot of combinations, hard body shots, and slick uppercuts.  You are going to see me throw a lot of jabs.  I’m going to have fun in there and be smart about it.


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