Delvin Rodriguez All Set to Take Browning's "0"

by Darren Nichols


Delvin Rodriguez All Set to Take Browning's "0"

"I am going to do great things with my defense and my boxing abilities."

BoxingTalk:  Delving, how did preparation go for your fight with Troy Browning this Friday?

Delvin Rodriguez:  It went very well.  I had good sparring for six weeks, and I sparred against some great fighters.

BoxingTalk:  Did you work on anything in particular in camp that will guarantee your victory on Friday?

Delvin Rodriguez:  I’m fighting a southpaw, so we worked on what it takes to defeat a southpaw.  Everything went smooth.  Fighting a southpaw is not a big difference for me.  I’ve fought some great southpaws before, so everything should be fine.

BoxingTalk:  Troy Browning is 20-0 with 8 knockouts.  Does his undefeated record concern you at all?

Delvin Rodriguez:  Not really.  Records don’t mean much to me.  I have fought and sparred with great guys.

BoxingTalk:  What strategy do you have coming into your fight on Friday?

Delvin Rodriguez:  When you jab with a southpaw they get confuse because they’re not used to that.  I ‘m planning on using my jab first, and seeing where it goes from there.

BoxingTalk:  With your thirteen knockouts to his eight, do you feel you will be able to knock him out before the final bells sounds?

Delvin Rodriguez:  He’s a lefty, so it will be my right hand that will be right there to catch him, then I will follow up with my hooks.

BoxingTalk:  What do you feel this win will do for your career?

Delvin Rodriguez:  It will take me to the next level, fighting top ten guys on HBO.

BoxingTalk:  With your last six victories ending in knockouts, is this a sign for what is to come for Browning on Friday?

Delvin Rodriguez:  If I hit someone with three to four punches, they’re not going to last.

BoxingTalk:  Do you have a prediction for your fight on Friday?

Delvin Rodriguez:  I’ll come out victorious.  I’ve learned a lot and my eyes are wide open for this fight.  I am going to do great things with my defense and my boxing abilities.


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