Deep Sadness And Concern Within The WBC For The Tragedy In Asia

From WBC President Jose Sulaiman


Deep Sadness And Concern Within The WBC For The Tragedy In Asia

"Deep concern is felt within all structures of the World Boxing Council for the terrible tragedy involving the destruction and death of thousands of people originated by the forces of nature in countries such as Thailand, which we love so much.

"This tragedy was caused by a devastating earthquake, measuring nine on the Richter scale, that occurred in Sumatra and Indonesia, which in turn provoked huge 12-meter tidal waves that hit Thailand, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, India, Malaysia, Maldives, and Bangladesh.

"These tidal waves caused enormous devastation to Phuket, Thailand, where the WBC celebrated its 42nd Annual Convention. In light of this, we are offering our beloved Thailand, all of our support within our capabilities.

"We are also conveying our heartfelt condolences to our WBC Vice-President Gen. Kovid Bhakdibhumi and ABCO Secretary Edward Thangarajah, along with all the members of our boxing family, and especially His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej and Prime Minister H.E. Dr. Thaksin Shinawatra."