Danny Williams: "I will end Skelton's career!"

By Spud Woollatt


Danny Williams: "I will end Skelton's career!"

Danny Williams is vowing to end Matt Skelton’s career when the pair meet in a rematch for the Commonwealth heavyweight title at the Millenium Stadium in Cardiff, Wales on July 8. In February, Williams recorded a split decision victory over Skelton in an entertaining no-holds-barred struggle. The prize for the winner this time could be a shot at giant Russian Nikolay Valuev’s WBA crown.

SW: How seriously are you taking your rematch with Matt Skelton?

DW: Extremely seriously. This is Matt Skelton’s last chance. If I KO him I will finish his career. Where else can he go? This is Skelton’s final opportunity to compete against someone of my stature at my level so I’ve got to be ready for him.

SW: What are you thoughts on Skelton as a fighter?

DW: I respect him. He’s a true warrior. I know he will use every last ounce of energy left inside him against me but he’s going to come up short.

SW: How do you see this fight going?

DW: It’s going to be intense just like the previous one but this time I’m going to come out in the first round just like I did in the final round against Skelton last time (Williams had Skelton out on his feet in the 12th round of their previous meeting – SW). I’m going to take it too him and you’ll see more ferocity from me. This fight won’t go the distance.

SW: Who have you been sparring with?

DW: I’m not prepared to give anything away but what I will say is that quite a few sparring partners have been coming and going!

SW: By your own admission your attitude to training has left something to be desired in previous fights. Are you spending more time with your trainer Jim McDonnell for this one?

DW: Of course I am. In fact Jimmy’s with me now. I don’t know where people are getting the rumours from that I’m not training seriously. I admit that I have made some oversights in the past but I am taking Skelton very seriously. This is the first time I have set up a training camp with Jimmy. I didn’t do that for Audley Harrison, Julius Francis or Skelton previously. That alone should tell you that I’m not taking shortcuts. Jimmy’s been training me the whole time for this one.

SW: Your weight has been the subject of much debate. You weighed a career high 19st 4lbs (272 lbs) against Audley Harrison in December. Can we expect to see you weighing less than 19 stones (266lbs) for Skelton?

DW: Yes, I am going to be coming in under 19 stones but I won’t be too light. Expect to see me tipping the scales in the region of the high 18’s.

SW: You have endured some difficult periods with your promoter Frank Warren in the past. How is the relationship between you now?

DW: It’s very good. Frank has been doing an excellent job behind the scenes. He’s said he can get me a world title shot if I beat Skelton and this really excites me. I’ll take on anyone.