Contender results: Forbes, Acevedo win

By Scott Shaffer


Contender results: Forbes, Acevedo win

Steve Forbes W5 Freddie Curiel... New Jersey's Freddie Curiel made a poor career choice when he chose to fight former world title holder and highly skilled boxer Steve Forbes instead of Jeff Fraza. What was he thinking? Forbes may not punch hard, but against Curiel he punched often and accurately during some heated exchanges to win a unanimous decision. The judges' scores were not announced but the highlights shown on ESPN  looked entertaining. Forbes is heavily tipped to have reached the final round, which will be shown live on ESPN next month.  source: The Contender on ESPN

Nick Acevedo W5 Jeff Fraza... A lot was riding on the first bout shown on The Contender doubleheader, especially for Nick Acevedo. Once a highly hyped New York prospect, Acevedo gave up the sport for three years after losing to Vince Phillips in 2002. In his first fight back, he took what looked like a very close decision from Jeff Fraza, the reality shows' lone holdover from season one (Fraza caught chicken pox before his first bout last year). Fraza, now 17-3, went home extremely disappointed while Acevedo, 16-1 with 1 no contest, advances to the  round of eight. source: The Contender on ESPN