Clinton Woods: "I am going to prove I am the best Light Heavyweight in the World"

By Spud Woollatt


Clinton Woods: "I am going to prove I am the best Light Heavyweight in the World"

On September 2nd,  Clinton Woods and Glencoffe Johnson face each other for the 3rd time. At stake is the IBF Light Heavyweight Championship of the world.  As most readers already know, the first time the two met, the fight ended in a controversial draw with many critics saying the fight should have been scored in favor of Johnson.  The second time was far less controversial with Johnson scoring a convincing points victory.  The victory was the catalyst for Johnson to go on to fights with Roy Jones Jr. and Antonio Tarver. Boxingtalk caught up with the current IBF Champion Clinton Woods to seek his views on his 3rd meeting with Johnson and his thoughts on a number of issues which have created a lot of interest within the boxing community.

Spud Woollatt:  Hello Clinton. Firstly, how do you feel when you see in various media outlets and on boxing websites that it seems a fight in principle has been agreed on between Joe Calzaghe and Glencoffe Johnson?

Clinton Woods:   I am delighted they are saying that as it will make it all the sweeter when I beat Glencoffe Johnson to spoil this party people are planning.  It is only when I beat Glencoffe Johnson that I will sit down with Dennis Hobson to plan my future.  All of my thoughts and efforts are all geared towards sending Glencoffe back to America without any belts and his plans to fight Calzaghe in tatters.

Spud Woollatt:   Many people say Johnson had your number in the first and second fights.  What makes you so convinced you will win in this 3rd fight?

Clinton Woods:  I have changed my number!!! (Lots of laughing from Woods!!!) Also, I am eating lots of spinnach and I am getting more like "Popeye" everyday!!! Seriously though, I am definitely stronger, fitter and mentally so much more confident and all of that says to me Glencoffe is going to lose this fight.

Spud Woollatt:   People are going to say you are bound to say that. Can you tell me what has changed?

Clinton Woods:   Everything about my diet, the supplements I take, the strength work I do with the weights and my training overall with Richard Poxon suits me a lot more now.  Can I mention Robin at AllSports International has been a fantastic help with my supplements. Also, the weight work I am doing with John Clark at the Evolution Gym has been really beneficial too.  I am really enjoying the sport which also makes a big difference.

Spud Woollatt:  I cannot leave this interview without asking about Joe Calzaghe.  If, of course, you beat Glencoffe Johnson, would you find it hard to resist a big money offer to fight Calzaghe?

Clinton Woods:   I am going to prove I am the best Light Heavyweight in the World.  Fighting Calzaghe is not going to prove that, is it? What has Calzaghe done to prove he can fight with the world's best at Light Heavyweight? He is still a Super Middleweight.

Also you got some of your question wrong. It is not a matter of "If" I beat Johnson.  I AM going to beat him. There isn't a would "if" in that!!!

Spud Woollatt:  How do you feel about boxing on a Frank Warren show?

Clinton Woods:  I don't give a toss now.  The only problem I have is having to look at his mug at ringside!  It is beating Glencoffe Johnson I am concentrating on and spoiling this party that Calzaghe and Johnson seem to have planned.

Spud Woollatt:   A lot of people are wondering how you felt when Dennis Hobson was not successful with the purse bids for this fight with Johnson.  Can you tell us your thoughts on this?

Clinton Woods:   I will tell the truth. I was disappointed that the fight was not going to be on a Fight Academy show.  But once Dennis explained to me that he did not have "definite" TV revenue to back it, I got my head around it and just started to concentrate on beating Johnson. The bonus is that the fight will be in the UK so I am sure I will get a lot of backing from the fans there at the venue!!!

Spud Woollatt:  I have to mention something that has been asked more than once on the British Forum at Boxingtalk …. It has been suggested you would be tempted to sign a promotional contract with Sportsnetwork. Can you tell me your thoughts on this suggestion?

Clinton Woods:  No chance!! I started with Dennis Hobson and I am going to finish with Dennis Hobson.  He is not only my promoter, but my friend too. Why on earth should I be anything other than delighted with what Dennis has done for me?  He has got me where I am today.  People will say it is me who has won the fight, but it is Dennis who got me those chances to fight for the world title in the first place. Tell me another promoter who could have done any better for Clinton Woods.

Spud Woollatt:  Thanks Clinton … I will come to see you train this week. I want to see for myself how good things are going.

Clinton Woods:   You are welcome.