Chris Byrd OK after hospital scare


Chris Byrd OK after hospital scare

Ex-champ dislocates shoulder and has bad reaction to medication

Press Release: Tracy Byrd issued the following statement today to fans and friends concerned about her husband Chris after last night's loss to Shaun George: "Chris is ok. His spirits are HIGH. He is closer to the Lord then ever in his life and trusts that he will take care of everything. Chris is disappointed in last night. He said he was feeling off in the dressing room. Felt like his legs weren't there from the beginning of the fight. When he got dropped in the first round he hurt his shoulder. We believe it tore a rotator cuff and ultimately dislocated his shoulder during the course of the fight. We will have it examined on Monday. The injury really kept him from throwing his left. When Chris returned to the dressing room the doctors had to sedate him to pop his shoulder back in. The medicines were a bit overwhelming for his body and they couldn't wake him. The result of that was they had to rush him by ambulance to the hospital and use other meds to counteract the ones given to him in the dressing room.  It was very scary for his friends and family. But he came through. His shoulder is very sore but he is feeling better. Chris congratulates Shaun George on his victory and hopes he takes advantage of the opportunity of his victory to the fullest and continues to work hard. Shaun and his wife have a baby on the way and wishes them the best."