Carlos Maussa promises a strong comeback!

By Ramon Rodriguez


Carlos Maussa promises a strong comeback!

It’s been almost two weeks since Carlos “El Apostol (The Apostle)” Maussa lost a unanimous decision to Mexican journeyman Manuel Garnica, yet the unorthodox, Columbian brawler still has not gotten over the disappointing verdict he received by scores of 115-113, 116-112, 117-111. “I’m not at all pleased with the decision I got. That kind of decision can bring down any fighter’s morale. I will never agree with this decision. I will never recover from it,” says Maussa. “Things shouldn’t be allowed to be this way.”

Maussa (20-4, 18 KOs), best known for his stunning upset of Vivian Harris in 2005 for the WBA 140-pound title and then a title-losing effort in which he gave Ricky Hatton hell, fought sluggishly and stiff for twelve rounds against the much-shorter Garnica, who was fighting for only the second time since 1999. Though both fighters traded plenty of leather, the bout was actually very close, which shocked Maussa when he heard one judge only had him winning three rounds. “117-111 is ridiculous. I don’t know what the judges saw that night. I know I didn’t fight my best. I wasn’t 100 percent. I wasn’t able to knock him out, but I still feel like I won. Garnica didn’t beat me in any way, not with his power, not with his style,” says Maussa.

Against Garnica, Maussa did not put forth the blistering effort that fans remember him for against opponents such as Harris and Ricky Hatton. On several occasions, Maussa seemed content just following Garnica around the ring. When he did attack, Maussa threw slow, looping punches one at a time. But even so, Maussa believes the blows he did land were sufficient enough to notch him the victory.

“I landed the cleaner, harder shots. Not once did he hurt me or stun me. I was totally fine throughout the fight. All the body shots he thought he landed on me, I blocked with my gloves or arms or elbows. I wasn’t trying to impress anyone that night, but I still feel like I won,” says a frustrated Maussa. “Hopefully, I can still fight for a title fight. I don’t ever need to fight Garnica again. I beat him very clearly. A rematch between us is not even necessary.”

So when can we expect to see Maussa again and against whom? With many up-and-coming prospects like Paul Malignaggi, Mike Arnaoutis, and Demetrius Hopkins on the brink of a title shot, could Maussa possibly face one of the young bucks at junior welterweight to revive his career? Could Maussa possibly entice Vivian Harris into a rematch?

“I want to fight in the next few months, but I’m not totally sure about that. Really it’s whatever God wants for me,” says Maussa. “I can’t get disappointed with an outcome like this, even though it hurts me a lot. I just really need to think about my next move. In the meantime, I will keep training and fighting, hopefully better each time out.”