Canadian Report

Geoff Roberts @ ringside


Canadian Report

Molitor retains IBF title over Castillo

Canada’s Steve "The Canadian Kid" Molitor (26-0-10 KOs), the IBF junior featherweight champion, defeated a game and equally determined Ricardo “Piolo” Castillo (33-5 with 22 KOs) at the Casino Rama in Canada Saturday night.  During the hard-fought contest both fighters captured the admiration and respect of a capacity crowd  at the  5,200 seat arena. During the first round, the two com-batants, like skittish young colts, circled, advanced, retreated, and pawed the air measuring the  distance between them.  The pace stepped up moments after the opening bell in the second round with Castillo coming forward with the clear intent of doing the Canadian harm.  But that was not an easy feat.  Molitor, was an elusive target, and he pummeled the advancing Mexican fighter, moving in to meet his charges with flurries, then swiftly retreating out of range.  The fight adopted this pattern, the tempo steadily increasing, each man giving a respectable account of himself.  Molitor had the edge, though, as his punches more accurate and authoritative. 

A clash of heads in the fourth round opened a cut on Molitor’s left eyebrow.  Obviously, a stinging distraction, he briefly lost his concentration while Castillo moved relentlessly in on him intending to take advantage of the injury.  But that was not to prove the case.  Molitor recovered quickly and between rounds his corner attended to the cut.  The bleeding was temporarily stopped but reappeared throughout the fight.  But the wound was of no advantage to Castillo and no serious handicap for Molitor. Referee Sam Williams had the judges deduct a point from Castillo in the tenth round for a low blow.   The remainder of the contest saw Castillo moving ever more aggressively forward with Molitor meeting his opponent’s advances with blows of his own, refusing to wilt before the onslaught.  After twelve hard-fought rounds, Molitor was the clear winner. The three judges each allotted Molitor 118 points to 109 for Castillo.  After the battle had been decided, the game Castillo proved gracious in defeat, warmly congratulating Molitor on his victory.  After the fight Molitor stated that he would love to bring a junior featherweight  unification match to Canada. But before he can challenge Celestino Caballero (28-2 with19 KOs), Daniel Ponce de Leon (34-1 with 30 KOs) or generally recognized world champion Israel Vazquez (42-4-31 KOs) he must make a man-datory defense against IBF #1 Fernando Beltran Jr. (30-2 with 18 KOs). Molitor is trained by ex-light heavyweight contender Chris Johnson.

Phil Boudreault W4 Tebor Brosch... Unfortunately, the undercard offered little to compare with the quality of the main bout.  Phil Boudreault  (1-0) evidenced some talent for the first two rounds of his four-round light middleweight contest against Tebor Brosch (1-2-1) but then ap-parently grew arm weary allowing his opponent to come on for the final two rounds.  Boudreault captured a split-decision win.  Boudreault has all the ear-marks of a brawling, hard-punching crowd pleaser but needs to get in better shape.