Calaghe-Manfredo and Sugar Ray Leonard transcript


Calaghe-Manfredo and Sugar Ray Leonard transcript

Thank you everybody for joining us on the call.  It’s much appreciated.  We have, as far as, (INAUDIBLE) a pretty unique event-taking place on the 7th of April.  As Fred said, Joe Calzaghe is defending his title for the 20th time, which is certainly a record for British fighter.


And if he is successful, it will put him in a fourth-place tie place on the all-time title defense list with Bernard Hopkins and as Larry Holmes.  Joe is the longest current reigning world champion.  He’s been, I think, on the 11th of April, I think he’s championed for nine years, 138 days, which is quite a lengthy reign, by anybody's standards.


The show that is taking place on the 7th is the highest attended indoor event to take place (INAUDIBLE) to take place in the United Kingdom, and I think that’s the case, as far as, Europe is concerned.  We’ve sold over 30,000 tickets and we’re expecting a crowd of, at least, 35,000 on the 9th. Both fighters have great selling power, Joe Calzaghe and also the selling power of The Contender series and Peter Manfredo. 


I’m delighted to be working with Peter and Jeff Wald and Sugar Ray Leonard.  They’ve been a fantastic in helping make this promotion a success.  As I say, the British public has really taken to it and it will be a fantastic atmosphere on the 7th.


And, from my point of view, I am looking for Joe to put on a spectacular performance in a really good fight that hopefully will set everybody on line in the States.  He had a tremendous performance against Jeff Lacy, and now we’ve got to capitalize on that, and hopefully if he comes through we can then look for other big fights.


But, I know Joe’s got a tough fight on his hands.  We see in the past what happened with fighters such as Mike Tyson, when he fought Buster Douglas, when Lennox Lewis fought Hasim Rahman.  Got into the fight, these guys were favorites and got beat, as we know, one punch can turn a fight.


Joe, I know, is training for this fight and he’ll tell you himself.  Ha cannot afford to slip up.  Peter has got a tremendous team in there with Peter Manfredo Sr. and Sugar Ray Leonard.  And, coincidentally, I think it’s 20 years and one day since Ray caused an upset in defeating Marvin Hagler. 


I think The Ring magazine, at the time, called it the “upset of the year.”  So, there’s a lot of 20’s going on around the time of this fight.  I’d like to put Jeff Wald on, who’s helping  promote The Contender event here to say we’re grateful for his help.  Over to you Jeff.


JEFF WALD:  Thank you very much, Frank.  First of all, on behalf of “The Contender,” the Manfredos and Ray,  and by the way, I want to thank Frank and Sports Network for the incredible hospitality they’ve shown us.  It’s just a tremendous promotion. 


You know, there’s been a lot of articles written, especially in the states, about boxing being dead.  But, I think the Calzaghe/Manfredo fight and the Mayweather/DeLaHoya fight coming up showed us boxing is anything but dead.  And that what you really have to do is give people what they want to see.


They want to see good fight where guys go and stand there and fight.  They don’t run, they don’t hide.  We have nothing but respect for Joe Calzaghe and for Enzo.  You have to respect anybody who’s maintained a championship for over nine years, and is going into his 20th defense.


Of course, we feel that we want to end it at 19.  And, nine years, and I guess it will be 147 days but 149 days by Frank’s calculation.  But, what I think, you guys in the press are going to see, it two guys who are just gentlemen, who love what they do, who love the sport.  They’re both trained by their fathers, which is a story in of itself.


These guys have been fighting their whole lives.  Their fathers been involved in boxing their whole lives.  So, there’s a great story here.  Peter Manfredo would rather die than lose or quit.  He’s never been down on the ground.  He’s got a rock hard chin.  He’s trained very hard for this fight, and I think Frank summed it up. 


You know, if there was anybody who was an underdog, I believe Ray Leonard went off 20 to one against Hagler and, anything can happen in boxing.  But the very, very least, what everybody in the U.K. and United States, around the world is going to see is two guys who came there, who were really conditioned, fit athletes. 


You’re not going to see seven-foot fat guys running around the ring.  You’re going to see guys who really, really take this seriously, who respect themselves, respect the fans and respect the sport.  We are really excited about this event, and, Frank is one of the great promoters in the world. 


And everything from the Welshmen’s choir to putting us on Millennium Stadium, all these anniversaries and all these 20’s, as Frank said.  This is a lot of fun for us. Peter Manfredo is the first alumnus from The Contender to fight for world championship.  We expect to have an incredibly great night.


SUGAR RAY LEONARD:  First of all, I’d like to personally thank Frank Warren and his staff.  It’s been a pleasure, Frank, to work with you and your staff in putting together another incredible fight this coming April 7th. 


And I want to say that for both fighters, for Peter Manfredo and for Joe Calzaghe, it’s going to be an historic moment, one way or another, because, Peter Manfredo is really looking forward to this big win, and fighting in Cardiff, it’s going to be amazing. 


I’d like also to point out the fact that, what’s interesting is the fact that you have Peter Sr. training his son and you have Enzo train his son, and that within itself is special.  I look forward to a great fight, a great night of boxing and this is going to bring a breath of fresh air to the sport of boxing, and good luck to both guys.


FRED STERNBURG: We’ve got close to 50 media on the call.  So I’m just going to, while people are getting into queue, I’m just going to ask both fighters one quick question.  For Joe, what a landmark fight for you, going for your 20th defense, no one in your country has ever done that before.  And, I know, it’s a home coming for you, almost two years since you fought in Wales.  Is there a lot of pressure on you to take it to the next mark to get that landmark title defense?  And is there any pressure on you, because you are the longest reigning champion in boxing at the moment, to keep up the performance level that you’ve been doing for the past ten years.


JOE CALZAGHE:  Yes.  Obviously there’s pressure on every single defense title.  And I think pressure is a good thing.  Either they don’t feel the pressure (INAUDIBLE) both fights is when he should quite.  You know, talking about big upset and big shock, happened in boxing Tyson losing to Douglas, Hagler losing to Leonard, and Lewis losing to Rahman.  The favorites in those fights took it for granted that they were the best, though in Hagler’s case, it was just a matter of losing to the better man rather than not training hard like the other two. 


They took it for granted that they could just walk through their opponent.  You know, one of my strengths is I don’t take any fighter lightly.  I take all of them very seriously indeed, and Peter’s got a massive up, but though he’s a big underdog.  He’s got a massive opportunity, an opportunity of a lifetime.


So, I know what it’s like to be a challenger and to want to win.  So we have to match that with the same intent and the same desire as I (INAUDIBLE) the challenger.  And for this fight, I’m paid tremendously well.  I trained very hard to go 12 hard rounds, if need be.


The good thing is my hands feel good.  You know, sometimes I have bad hands, sometimes I have good hands.  This time it’s, the hands are good.  Sparring has gone well.  I’ve had some great sparring.  I’m really looking forward to April 7.  It’s going to be a great night for all concerned.


It’s my 20th title defense, but I’m still excited.  I’m excited about it and I’ll taken Peter.  The show is going to be a fantastic spectacle.  And I’m looking forward to entertain.


FRED STERNBURG:  Peter we saw you work out at Wildcard Gym last week in LA and you looked very impressive.  You looked to be in tip-top shape.  Going into such a home court advantage for Joe, you seem in all your interviews to have a nothing to lose attitude.  You are going in there full steam ahead.  Is that an accurate depiction of your strategy?  And what is your mind set going into this fight, and how do you feel about having Ray Leonard as part of the team going into this fight?


PETER MANFREDO:  I’m very confident going into this fight.  The pressures definitely on him, I have no pressure.  I mean I’m going into his back yard in front of 35,000 people screaming his name.  He’s been the longest reigning champion for almost ten years.  He’s undefeated, hopefully, all the pressures on him.  I’m going in there as a big underdog and I trained extremely hard at Wildcard, like I did my last two fights but even harder for this one. 


I have trained with all lefties, this time, which was pretty tough in the beginning but I got adapted to it.  And, Joe Calzaghe, as you see he’s got a lot of class, and come that night, he knows I’m not going to back up.  He knows I’m coming to take that title and he wants to defend it.  That’s why he trained extremely hard and won’t take me lightly.  I trained extremely hard, it’s got the makings of an Arturo Gatti /Micky Ward type of fight. 


Neither of us is going to back up and that’s what people want to see.  People pay their money to buy a ticket to see fights like that.  I’m ready to go, and to have Ray Leonard in my corner is just great.  Because when Freddie Roach just decided to leave and go train with De La Hoya, it kind of broke my heart a little because the guy is a genius when it comes to strategy and things like that. 


But as soon as Ray asked, ‘you mind if I take this spot?’ I just let up again, and it just gave me new life.  So, having him there -- he might not be a great trainer, he might not ever trained anybody in his life -- but he’s been to this point himself, as being a six time world champion. And I have learned so much from his observations.


I have the confidence in him that he might see something my father won’t see in the corner that might be useful in the fight.  Who knows?  You know, every little bit helps at this point.  I’m just excited man.  A lot of hard work.  I’ve been away from my family for a long, long time training for this fight.  I’m ready to go.  I feel good.  And, come April 7th there’s going to be a spectacular night. 


CHUCK JOHNSON, USA TODAY:  Peter, in terms of your notoriety, a lot of it comes from being involved in The Contender series.  As a fighter how much did that prepare you?  Of that experience of competing on that series, prepare you for a fight like this?


PETER MANFREDO:  I don’t know if it prepared me for a fight like this.  I mean, I guess the closest you can get with the pressure that I had was in the finale where only 5,000 people were watching us fight, but the pressure, being the favorite to win and this and that. 


And disappointed a lot of people back home and disappointed myself and things like that.  I mean, compared to that, that’s probably the only pressure I had.  But compared to this fight, it’s apples and oranges.  Man I’m going in with an opponent in his hometown with 35,000 screaming fans for him. 

But, the bottom line is you don’t worry about that when you have focus for a fight.  You block the crowd out.  It’s not going to make a difference, I’m just ready to go.  I trained hard and I’m ready to win.


CHUCK JOHNSON:  So, it sound like, I mean, nothing has prepared you for a fight like this other than the fact, that you feel, I mean, do you feel you’re ready to take this step?  Do you view it as taking a step up? 


PETER MANFREDO:  I think it’s a step I think this is where I belong.  I mean, you saw me knockout  Scott Pemberton even though Pemberton was not quite in his prime.  It’s the way I beat him.  Same thing with Joe Spina Spina was an up-and-comer.  He wasn’t Joe Calzaghe.  But, I took him out early.


I took him out quick.  Who was I going to fight against?  Someone like an Omar Sheika or someone up-and-coming?  I think I’m ready for this level.  I mean this is the next step.  This is where I belong.  There is nobody better than Joe Calzaghe.  You want to fight the best and you want to be the best.  You’ve got to, to be the best you beat the best.  Joe’s arguably the best fighter out there. 


CHUCK JOHNSON:  Do you view this as a make or break situation?  I mean considering that, you could go either way?  If it doesn’t go your way do you think that, that will be career changing, as far as, the way your career is going right now?


PETER MANFREDO:  Truthfully, I don’t even know how to answer that.  I mean, I don’t know.  I just take one fight at a time.  I’m very confident going into the fight.  And, I don’t even thing losing is an option.  So on a worse case scenario, if I do lose, what can I do?  I can't hang my head.  I just got to beat by one of the best fighters in the world. 


JEFF WALD:  An answer to you question.  Peter has fought twice at Staple Center.  In somebody else’s backyard and that was in Mora’s backyard.  They were two terrific Gatti-Ward types of fights that went the distance.  The crowds were over 12,000 in people.  Not 35,000 but 12,000 people. And Peter never got intimidated by the crowd.  Never backed up.  Put on some great fights.  And no matter how the outcome of next week’s fight is, it will probably go the distance, and no matter what, it’ll be a close fight.  And when you have fights like that, I don’t think people cared who won the Gatti-Ward fights.  They’re so great and entertaining fights.  Same thing with Marquez/Barrera the other night. And that’s what the public wants, boxing’ entertainment.


And, The Contender as Frank has mentioned, not only in the U.K. and in the United States, we’re seen in over 100 countries.  And, brought boxing to families and to the younger people again, to see the sport, and Peter is one of the stars of that and that’s why Joe Calzaghe and Frank Warren chose Peter to be the opponent for Joe’s 20th fight.


I don’t think anybody chose him because they thought it would be easy.  They chose him because he had the widest audience appeal to expose their fight in America and around the world.  And they knew that Peter would go in there and go toe to toe.  And, not dog it.


He’s a star, no matter what happens.  He’s a young man and obviously we all expect him to win, and in any event, he’s going to leave this fight with his head up and have a huge long career. 


CHUCK JOHNSON:  Let me ask Joe.  In terms of the abilities, seeing Peter Manfredo.  What do you see, Joe, when you look at Peter Manfredo?


JOE CALZAGHE:  I think he’s a good fighter.  He’s a solid fighter.  I mean, he’s got a big heart.  (INAUDIBLE) fighter and that makes him good.  Obviously, fighting me is a big step up to the likes of  Sergio Mora and Joe Spina. (INAUDIBLE), you know, you’re going to be a fighter that was put in front of you.  He’s definitely improving.  But it’s the next step up for him, and I’ll have to eat what I said. 


I’ve prepared for a tough fight.  I’m ready for anything.  I cannot afford to have a ‘I been there, done it’ attitude when I train for a title defense.  A lot of people may think I’m getting a bit long in the tooth but I’m still leaving the bodies in the gym, fighters who are ten years younger than me.  Behind running and hand speed is just as fast.  And, I’m going to keep busy.  You know, at the end of the day I know I might be fighting, maybe, seven months.  You know, (INAUDIBLE) keep busy and you know, it should be a busy year. 


And it doesn’t get much bigger than this.  Like I said, we chose Peter because he’s an exciting fighter, an improved fighter.  He’s a big name.  So, regardless of how he performs in the fight, he’s got a big career.  But like I said, this is the 20th defense.  I’ve trained tremendously hard, and I’m looking forward to it. 


CHUCK JOHNSON:  I know you’re looking at this fight one at a time.  But, where is Kessler on your radar, Joe?


JOE CALZAGHE:  Well, I’ve not seen Kessler’s fight the other day.  And apparently, he’s OK.  Obviously, all I’m thinking about at the moment is next week.  You know, I don’t, you know, (INAUDIBLE) so over look too far ahead and find the next fight, you know, one fight at a time.  April the 7th, Peter Manfredo is all I’ve got on my mind at the moment.


And then, from there we have to see who is available, and see what’s the next option.  Obviously, you know, you got the things that the fighter’s keep mentioning.  People keep mentioning.  Jermain Taylor, and Bernard Hopkins fighters, you know.  So, you know, Kessler, Jermain Taylor, Hopkins , all the big names, obviously I’m looking for the big ones, but, at the end of the day, first things first. I’ve got business to take care of next week.


CHUCK JOHNSON:  You know, he [Kessler] called you out by name.  How does it feel that fighters are calling you out by name?  That’s something that you were doing just until recently.  I mean, you were calling those other fighters out, now people are calling your name out as opponent they want.  How does that feel?


JOE CALZAGHE:  I’m not seen the Kessler fight and like I said, already, obviously first things first.  All I’m concentrating on at the moment is April the 7th.  That’s all that’s been on my mind for the past eight weeks straight.  And, you know, obviously after April the 7th, you know, we talked about what was next, but I’m totally focused on next week. 


FRANKLIN MCNEIL, NEWARK STAR LEDGER:  Hey, my first question is for Peter and Ray.  To me size, well Peter you fought at super middleweight two times already.  How are you feeling at this weight now? 


PETER MANFREDO:  I feel great.  It’s the best move I ever made.  I was killing my body getting down to 160, I would go to bed 164 and wake up 164 and half.  I just couldn’t make the weight.  And I was depleting myself.


And since I moved up to 168, the strength an conditioning coach, Justin Fortune at Freddie Roach’s Gym, it just put some more muscle on me.  Got me stronger and my last two fights you’ve seen the result.  The guys are bigger than me but I was just as strong, if not stronger than them.  No one pushed me around.  So I think it was the best weight.  for me. 


FRANKLIN MCNEIL:  And Ray.  Two things come to mind when I think about this fight.  One is I would give Joe the edge, as far as, being physically bigger.  He’s a natural 168 pounder.  But, you fought a guy in Hagler who was considered a much bigger guy.  And, you came away with the victory in that fight. 


And, here you are training a fighter who’s considered a smaller guy and an underdog.  Is size – how do you, are there things you’re bringing, from even your experience that you believe that you can bring to Peter in this fight to help him succeed?


SUGAR RAY LEONARD:  Well, to clarify things, I’m not Peter’s trainer.  His father Peter, Sr is the trainer.  I’m just assisting with strategies.  But, as far as the weights concerned, no question about it, Joe Calzaghe is a bigger man.  He’s a more solid man.  And Peter goes to this fight against some major odds, without question.  But the key here is Peter believes and feels he can win.  And that’s an edge already.  But the key is just fighting your own fight and not being taken out of your game plan.  That’s the key.


FRANKLIN MCNEIL:  And, for Joe.  You’ve been quoted recently as saying, you’re going to really put on a show for your fans and that you were going to knock out Peter.  Can you elaborate on that a little bit?


JOE CALZAGHE:  Is that what I said?  OK.  Yes basically, obviously, I like to put a show on.  And saying put a show on, I go in that ring to win.  And I believe, with Peter’s style and my style, basically, we’re going to be a very exciting fight. I love to fight, and we both have got big hearts.  So, it’s going to be a treat for the public.  I look for the knock out in every fight because  I believe in myself.  I can knock out my opponent.  Some times you do, sometimes you don’t. 


But like I say to every single guy I fight.  If the knockout isn’t there, I am prepared because I was trained for 12 hard rounds and if a knock out comes then so be it.  But I have won on points quite a lot lately.  I think my last few fights have been a distance.  I’m used to being in a 12 -round fight but obviously I’ll take a knockout in any fight.  A knockout, when it comes, then I’ll take it.  I’ve trained and I’ve sparred. 


I’ve two good arms.  No injuries in this camp.  So I believe, I will be landing many of my powerful shots. I always train for 12 hard rounds and I’m expecting a long fight.


FRANKLIN MCNEIL:  OK.  I have one more question for you Joe.  You’re 35 now and obviously there are quite a few big fights, including this one that you have on your radar, and, do you feel a, at this point in your career, a sense of, and I don’t know if urgency is the right word, but at this point in your career, do you see it, like getting to a point of your ready to wind it down? 


JOE CALZAGHE:  People say how long keep fighting for?  I keep fighting at 40.  I mean, at the moment I’m still as sharp, as quick.  You look at Bernard Hopkins he’s 42.  He’s all about how you look after yourself and the score and the beatings you take and lack of beatings.


And, how many hard fights (INAUDIBLE) and so longevity in boxing.  You know, for me, I’ve always been at the top at my game and I win.  I don’t get hit often.  You know my boys, how they keep the cuts clean and, I feel fresh.  I’ve never been one of those guys that hangs around sparring and warring in the gym. 


Because I really don’t believe in that.  You should save that for the ring.  I want to be one of the few fighters that was happy at the top.  I would not make a comeback, retire and make a comeback, because I would be fighting for the same thing I won in the first place title.


I’ve been fighting since I was 13 and then on I’ve always been champion.  I always been a winner.  So, the day I’m not a winner, I think that I realize that I’m not the best anymore then I walk away.  But at the moment, in an ideal world, I’m looking 60 months, two years and be one of the few fighters that actually retires at the top without getting too much of a beating and having invite comebacks.


So, like I said, at the moment I’m excited.  I’m excited (INAUDIBLE) box (INAUDIBLE).  As long as you got excitement you’ve got the hunger wanting to train and you are still feeling good, then why retire?


DAN RAFAEL,  Frank, I understand Joe’s reluctance to look ahead and talk about the possibility of other fights in the future with this fight on his mind.  Of course, you’re the promoter so your job is to look ahead.  Can you tell me from your point of view about the possibility of Joe against Mikkel Kessler in the future?


FRANK WARREN:  Absolutely.  You know, obviously, I hate counting chickens.  If Joe comes through this well; Kessler’s definitely a fighter that we would – I would like to see Joe with.  But also, Jermain Taylor. 


Whoever comes through this fight, they can again in July.  And if Kessler wants it, he can have it as well.  You know, Joe said himself.  He’s 35.  He’s looking for the big fights.  This is a big fight over here.  As I’ve said we got a big, we’ve got a huge audience, a live audience watching it.  And, hopefully, if he does what I hope, what I believe he’s capable of doing, this will set him for a Kessler or a Taylor.  (INAUDIBLE).


DAN RAFAEL:  Taylor is fighting Cory Spinks, incidentally. 


FRANK WARREN:  They’ve announced it?  I didn’t realize it.  I didn’t know, you know, whatever.  HBO is working with Joe and they have the power to bend a few arms and hopefully make these fights happen.  We want them.  We want the fights.  We tried for many years to make the fight with Bernard Hopkins.  It never came off.  And these are the fights that Joe Calzaghe wants. It’s not just about the 20 defenses.  It’s about going forward from that.  It’s about leaving his mark in history as a British fighter, because no other British fighter has ever gone to this stage that he’s gone to. 


DAN RAFAEL:  How big is that fight in Europe?  Kessler and Calzaghe?  Because, both guys obviously drew big crowds.


FRANK WARREN:  I’ve seen the Kessler and Andrade fight.  I saw the tape of it.  They did very well and Kessler is half British, by the way. 


DAN RAFAEL:  I didn’t know that.


FRANK WARREN:  Kessler’s mother is English.  Yes, his mother is British.  They had 18,000 people there.  So, you know, 18,000 people who went to see him.  We got 35,000 at this show.  That’s 53,000 people watching European fighters.  That’s fantastic and if he fought Joe, it’d be a huge event. 


But, as Joe said, he’s got to get through this one, it’s not just about winning the fight.  It’s how you win the fight.  And, I, as I say, would love to see Joe put on a spectacular performance.  The funny thing is he’s done that against American boxers. 


When he fought Charles Brewer it was a really, really tough good fight to watch.  With Byron Mitchell it was, again, it was an exciting fight.  Omar Sheika was a really good fight.  When he fought him, I think it was six or seven years ago, and Jeff Lacy.  For a guy to come to fight like (INAUDIBLE), and Joe comes to fight; you always see the best of Joe Calzaghe.  So, I hope that we get that performance it takes on the 7th and we can go from there. 


DAN RAFAEL:  Ray, can you just elaborate just a little bit on seeing how happy Peter is having you aboard.  That when Freddie Roach left him, that you, sort of, volunteered and asked him if you could work with him a little bit for this fight.  Can you clearly define your role and I’m not sure if you’ll be in the corner on the night of the fight or you just working with him strategy wise in the gym?  How is that working out or what exactly is your role?


SUGAR RAY LEONARD:  Well, again, I am just a strategist.  I am not a trainer.  I mean, his father is the trainer, without question. 


DAN RAFAEL:  Are you in the gym though, talking to Peter Sr.?


SUGAR RAY LEONARD:  No.  We talk, you know.  We, thank God for technology.  There are e-mails.  But, you know, I’ve seen Peter up close and personal on the show.  On The Contender show, and, I’ve seen the fights live.  And, I just give my two cents.  And, we go from there. 


DAN RAFAEL:  Will you be in the corner on the night of the fight?




DAN RAFAEL:  You will not be in the corner?




DAN RAFAEL:  Will you be at the fight?


SUGAR RAY LEONARD:  Oh, for sure. 


DAN RAFAEL:  Oh, but not part of the team of, in there during the minute break?


SUGAR RAY LEONARD:  No.  Peter has a very competent team. 


DAN RAFAEL:  OK.  Can you also just explain a little bit about what sorts of things are you trying to impart on him about the fight?


SUGAR RAY LEONARD:  Well, basically, it’s the motional aspect of the fight.  And Peter has that.  That mental stability.  That’s really the key factor, and even going a little further.  The thing about the weight.  As far as the weight is concerned, the toughest fight for a fighter is making the weight, and Peter’s so comfortable at 168 that he should be OK. 


JEFF WALD:  I just want to add something to what Frank said.  And also, you and I’ve had a number of conversations in the past.  Ray is going to serve as an extra pair of eyes the night of the fight.  But Ray is right, Peter Manfredo is the trainer, he has been training his son. 


And basically just the same way Enzo has been training Joe for his whole life.  Ray is an extra set of eyes.  It’s somebody who knows strategy, knows game plan better than anybody on the planet, as far as I’m concerned.  And I want to say something else.  You keep asking Joe and Frank what their next opponent is. When Peter wins this he’ll fight anybody too.


And I know you guys are going way out on a limb thinking this is a done deal.  About who’s going to win this and I can name, as Frank did in the beginning when Frank made his introductory remarks.  That at least it does in instances, whether it’s George Forman against Ali or Tyson against Douglas or Ray against Hagler.  There’s nothing taking for granted in boxing.  I think Joe said it, one punch can turn a fight.  And this is going to be a good fight.


DAN RAFAEL:  We’re not trying to disrespectful, Peter, not at all.


JEFF WALD:  No, I know.  But you were.  It’s OK. 


DAN RAFAEL:  Peter, you are a fighter willing to go all the way to Wales to fight this fight, like you have mentioned multiple times, in front of 35,000 fans and most of them will be Joe Calzaghe fans.  Can you compare that, what you’re willing to do and the type of heart that you have to be willing to do that? And a lot of fighters aren’t willing to do.  And compare it to, you know, your Contender opponent Sergio Mora, who was very reluctant and blew a shot at the middleweight world title because he didn’t want to go to Memphis, Tennessee, which is not even Jermain Taylor’s hometown, just a place that’s close by to where he lives.  What does that say about you that you’re willing to that?


PETER MANFREDO:  I have no comment on Sergio.  And I don’t know what’s going through his mind.  You know, I don’t know what’s going on in his life or whatever like that.  But, you know what? I’m a throw back to the old school days, man. I’ll fight anybody at anywhere, anytime. 


If they were watching Raging Bull.. You know, seeing Jake LaMotta.  That’s Peter Manfredo Jr., -- just without the brutal part with his wife and all that nonsense.  Listen, Joe Calzaghe is the best.  He deserves to have the fight here in his hometown.  As soon as Jeff Wald mentioned the fight to me, I said, no problem.


I, of course, I asked for a little more money, but who wouldn’t.  He said, no, I’m not going to give you no money, I said, don’t worry about it.  I want to take the fight.  It’s an opportunity of a lifetime.  I mean, Kelly Pavlik said it the other day on HBO, he says, I just want to fight Jermain Taylor.  He said, I’m ranked number one, I deserve the shot.


I would fight Calzaghe for $10,000.  I just want a shot at the world title.  And that’s the mentality I have.  I don’t care.  A shot at the world title.  How many people get a shot at the world title in this game?  And not only a shot at that, I have a shot to be up there with the Jake LaMotta’s, with the Italian Americans, if I beat this guy.  So this is the shot I’m willing to take.  And I trained extremely hard and I’m ready to go.  So on April 7th, my guns will be blazing. 


CHRIS MANNIX, SPORTS ILLUSTRATED:  Hey, I got a couple questions for Peter.  Peter you mentioned early about Freddie Roach not being at camp.  How has your training changed, if at all, without Freddie?  And how much contact have you had with him since he left for Puerto Rico? 


PETER MANFREDO:  I really haven’t had any contact with him since he left for Puerto Rico.  But, my training camp has not changed at all.  I was working with Justin Fortune for strength and conditioning before I left for England. I always work with my father for training.


I got away from my house and go to California and get focused on what I have to do.  It hasn’t made the difference in my career.  You know, and Freddie’s just strategic and he worked with me for the first few weeks until he had to go. 


And, we got the strategy down that we had to get.  And when Ray came in, I mean, we all had the same game plan and we’re all on the same page.  It kind of bothered me when Freddie had to leave. I didn’t understand why he couldn’t take one day or one week out of camp and come work my corner.


I still can't figure out to this day.  But, what are you going to do?  I mean, I’m not going to sit and cry about it.  I’m fighting the fight of my life.  And I’m the one that’s got to get in there and do it.  But training went great.  This is the best camp I’ve had, to be honest with you. 


CHRIS MANNIX:  Did it bother you when you saw him in Israel Vazquez’s corner?


PETER MANFREDO:  Did it bother me? No.  He’s doing what he’s doing.  He’s going to be in Israel Vazquez’s corner.  I heard he’s going to be in Manny Pacquiao’s corner.  And he Manny Pacquiao twice a week and (INAUDIBLE).  What can I do?  Cry about it? 


I mean, this is how the game is.  It’s all about the money, it’s all about the dollars.  It’s all about who they want to be in and that’s how the game is, and I’m not going to worry about it.  I’ve got a fight, I worry about one thing, I worry about Joe Calzaghe on April 7th.  And that’s it, and how to beat him.  I feel I’m going to beat him.  I’m going in there to win.  I’m not going to be just another opponent.


CHRIS MANNIX:  Last thing I want to ask you.  Is there a belief in your camp that you need to win this fight by knock out?  Or do you think that you can win on points?  I guess the veteran like Joe fighting in his own backyard?


PETER MANFREDO:  I don’t think you go in there looking for a knockout because a knockout will never come.  I think it’ll be fair here.  What are you going to do?  I don’t think we have any judges from the U.K., to be honest with you.  I think we can win.  Regardless, I’m going in there knowing I can win.


I don’t go in there looking for a knockout.  The knockout never comes.  I’ve seen Joe go down.  I might put him down but he’s a champion, he’ll get back up.  If I knock him out, hey, forget about it.  I mean, I’ll be on top of the world.  If I don’t, can I get a decision?  Yes.  If I’m the better man that night and everybody sees I’m the better man, it’s going to be live on HBO.  There’s going to be 35,000 screaming fans there.  You’ll know I won. 


TRAE THOMPSON, FT WORTH STAR-TELEGRAM:  This question is for Joe.  Obviously people have been talking about all the 35,000 screaming fans there.  But for those that have not been to Cardiff, Wales or Millennium Stadium, when it’s packed out like this.  Can you describe that atmosphere, just kind of, you know, from, you know, that stadium there that you’ll be fighting in?


JOE CALZAGHE:  Yes.  You know, my fans are great supporters.  They’re ready to go and be in the atmosphere.  You know I’ve been to, obviously, not boxing but football and rugby games.  And I’ve always had the dream, you know, it’s only three minutes from where I live. 


I’ve always thought to myself, you know, I looked fight you one day and thankfully, you know, thanks to Frank and everybody are able to put the fight on the Millenniums.  So that in itself is fantastic.


I think we all looking forward to it, all the buddies in the gym.  You know it’s fantastic (INAUDIBLE). 


For all the paying fans we talk about, it’s all about being a performer at the end of the day.  Boxers are performers. I always like to fight my best, always try to make a fight.  I’m looking forward to repaying the public, repay the public, repay them by showing them a good night.  It’s going to be great; it’s going to be incredible.


TRAE THOMPSON:  Peter, I don’t want you to reveal any gameplans, but what has Ray pointed out to you while he’s been advising you.


PETER MANFREDO:  I just say with the mental part of game, going in the ring, it’s your ring and everything like that and the bottom line is getting in shape.  I know, working with Ray with the left, and working with Freddie with the left, getting down the strategy, and we give 100 percent.  We’re getting in shape because Joe’s a busy fighter.  He comes forward, he throws a dozen punches, not even a dozen to be honest with you, and you know, I’m just physically prepared and I’m going in with all the confidence in the world.


TRAE THOMPSON:  Last thing here too, Peter.  Obviously they made mention of it being Ray’s 20th anniversary of his win over Hagler.  What do you remember about that?  Do you remember watching it?  What stood out to you when you watched that for the first time?


PETER MANFREDO:  You know, the first time I watched it, it was a couple of years ago, so, everybody was disputing the decision,  ‘Hagler won,’  ‘Hagler won,’ ‘Hagler won,’ so I actually had to sit down and watch it for myself and me and my friend, we sat down with a pen and paper and we judged it for ourselves.  And I know a lot of New England fans would get mad at me but Ray Leonard won the fight.  In my eyes he just stole rounds, he used his brain to win the fight.  It was obviously the smaller man biting the dog.


Ray used his smarts, his experience, and his skills to win in the fight and that’s what champions are made of, so, it kind of gives you an idea what you have to do in a big fight like this to win it. Use your brain.


BRIAN DOOGAN, THE SUNDAY TIMES:  Hello Peter.  What examples can you give of The Contender and the program, boosting your profile in that regard.


PETER MANFREDO:  I think if it wasn’t for The Contender that this fight would have never happened.  The Contender gave me the star quality where I’m known all over the world and between The Contender and the way I fight.


In my last couple fights, (INAUDIBLE) the rank, and you know, and earn me the shot to get (INAUDIBLE) this fight because, you know, it makes money for Joe, it makes money for me, it makes money for everybody, and it makes for a good fight for the public.


BRIAN DOOGAN:  Joe, just for you.  I mean, twenty title defenses and continuing to kind of go along, I mean, the mental side of that.  What is that like for you in terms of going through the whole process again?


JOE CALZAGHE:  It’s the same, it’s the same but again today, you know, it’s a world title defense but I still get the feeling of excitement.  I think both the adrenaline that you need to perform well in the fight.  So, like I said, you I’m creating history, (INAUDIBLE) most people would be (INAUDIBLE) and put the pressure on me, which I like.  I perform under pressure.  I love the pressure and that’s what I like.


I realize, even in this stage of my career what a big fight this is for me and this probably going to be the biggest profile fight for me and the biggest audience obviously.


The fight will be played on HBO, played on (INAUDIBLE) TV, so it’s a massive opportunity for me still, even in this stage in my career.  I’m still a hungry fighter, and that’s the most important thing.  You’ve got a hunger in you and that’s what is essential to succeed.


BERNARD FERNANDEZ, PHILADELPHIA DAILY NEWS:  I have a Philadelphia-based question for Frank and for Joe. Bernard Hopkins’ name has been invoked a lot because this being the twentieth defense for Joe, and Hopkins has got a big fight coming up in July with Winky Wright. Obviously he is unretired. If Hopkins takes care of business in that fight, you guys have mentioned Jermain Taylor and Kessler a lot,  how high in the pecking order does Hopkins move up as an opponent for Joe if both of you guys wind up taking care of business, and Hopkins looks good against a very good opponent Winky Wright?


FRANK WARREN:  OK.  I’ll start on that one.  First, we actually, many years ago, agreed when Bernard was with Don King, we agreed to terms, but not in The States to fight him.  On line at the time was Jay Larkin from Showtime, Bernard’s lawyer, everybody agreed to the terms, we all agreed on the telephone.  So the fight didn’t happen – I personally don’t see Bernard ever fighting Joe Calzaghe.


I don’t think that Bernard fancies the job of fighting Joe Calzaghe.  We made him big offers (INAUDIBLE) he started out fantastic, but what Bernard has to understand is that he can’t take all the money off the table.  This fight for Joe, having done so well against Jeff Lacy (INAUDIBLE) for that, this fight now for Joe, if he does come through the fight with a great performance, it’s being that Joe would have fought twice on HBO, live in the afternoon and again right through the evening.


Again, that makes Joe Calzaghe, or puts Joe Calzaghe in a position where he is entitled to receive a decent purse to fight. Make that fight, it would be a record-breaking fight.  Again, I think it takes both of them to fight.  It would be Joe’s 21st defense of the title. Bernard would be fighting Joe to keep him from passing him.  With all that said, I don’t think Bernard Hopkins would ever fight Joe Calzaghe.


JEFF WALD:  I agree with Frank.  I think first of all, for boxing, Joe and Peter both are better off fighting Jermain or Kessler.  You know, from where we sit Bernard Hopkins is Archie Moore.


BERNARD FERNANDEZ:  That’s not necessarily an insult.


JEFF WALD:  Philadelphia, of course.


BERNARD FERNANDEZ:  Well, comparing somebody to Archie Moore is not necessarily an insult.


JEFF WALD:  No, no, no, it’s not an insult, not at all.  You know, but I don’t think, especially after this fight with the exposure that it’s going to get and the kind of press it’s been getting.  Again, you know, Frank and I both feel this is great for boxing.


This fight and the Oscar De La Hoya fight coming up, the Barrera and Marquez fight the other day.  These are the things that boxing needs.  This is really good for boxing, and Kessler put on a great fight the other night.  He’s also good for boxing.  Jermain is good for boxing.


FRANK WARREN:  That’s a bit, here, just, one final thing.  That’s a bit honest, to see, Bernard take on Winky Wright.  I think that says it all.


JEFF WALD:  Exactly.


FRANK WARREN:  I think that actually says where his mind sits.  And you can’t blame the guy.  He’s 42 years of age and I don’t blame him but that’s where I think Bernard’s mind set is.


PETE SHUTTLEWORTH, WALES ON SUNDAY:  Quick question for Ray.  How do you plan to beat Joe Calzaghe with regard to the Lacy fight a year ago, where Joe was fighting impeccably.  You’re a strategic planner for Manfredo.  Bear to mind Joe’s fight against Lacy about 12 months ago, where he fought impeccably, how do you plan for someone like Joe Calzaghe?


SUGAR RAY LEONARD:  That’s very, very, very difficult question, and in fact that the performance that Joe performed against Jeff Lacy was masterful.  There is no way to plan against that. But the fact is Joe is the one who will be fighting Pete Manfredo. Peter will have to do what’s necessary to nullify Joe’s offense.


PETE SHUTTLEWORTH:  Obviously you’ve seen the Lacy fight and you said it was masterful.  Would you have been proud of a performance like that?


SUGAR RAY LEONARD:  Proud?  Extremely.  That was, that was A-plus.  That performance …


PETE SHUTTLEWORTH:  All right.  Ray, obviously I was speaking to Joe, about this.  Joe said that he learned by copying your hand speed, when he was training as a kid.  Do you see similarities between you and Joe?


SUGAR RAY LEONARD:  Well, the way Joe took apart Jeff Lacy, it reminded me of my performances against Duran and other fighters.  The way he uses hand speed and his foot speed to his advantage.


PETE SHUTTLEWORTH:  Can you blame the likes of Jermain Taylor and Bernard Hopkins and Winky Wright for not fighting, a fight with Joe?


SUGAR RAY LEONARD:  Can I blame them?


PETE SHUTTLEWORTH:  Can you blame them?  Obviously, Joe’s a dangerous fighter.  They know if they fought Joe Calzaghe there’s a distinct possibility that they can be on the wrong end of a decision.  Do you blame them for skipping it?


SUGAR RAY LEONARD:  One thing about fighters, they don’t want to go up against anyone that, first of all is a southpaw.  And Joe is a very good southpaw, that can fight, that can punch, that can box.  Most fighters don’t want to toy with it.


PETE SHUTTLEWORTH:  Obviously you’re an American.  Does the American audience, the American boxing public, want to see Joe in America?


SUGAR RAY LEONARD:  Do we want to see Joe in America?


PETE SHUTTLEWORTH:  As in come to America, to the States, to Madison Square Gardens or Vegas, and see him, see him over there?


SUGAR RAY LEONARD:  I think this fight here will do wonders for Joe’s career, but I’m sure Peter has different, a different story on that.


JEFF WALD:  A little bit.  I think, I think the American boxing fans wants to see Manfredo bring the championship belt to America, and that’s what Peter Manfredo wants to see happen.  So God bless Joe Calzaghe coming to America, but they might be right away, look there’s a rematch close.  Maybe it’s a great fight for both guys and the rematch takes place in America.


And that’s advantageous to both fighters, I mean, you know, what I admire about Joe, he’ll fight anybody anytime, and so will Peter, and that’s what Ray did.  Ray didn’t care where he fought.  You know, part of (INAUDIBLE) Ray fought them and that was it, and that’s what great fighters do.  And again, you guys are going to see a great fight, so they’ll be no loser in this fight.


SUGAR RAY LEONARD:  Real fighters, real champions will fight anywhere, anytime.


SEAN REED, FIGHTBEAT.COM:  Joe, to elaborate on the American, fights in America.  Is it important to you to have at least one fight in America before you retire, or is that not even something you concern yourself with?


JOE CALZAGHE:  It would be nice to fight in America if they pay a lot of money for it, and it would just be nice to (INAUDIBLE) fight in like, (INAUDIBLE) my career, you don’t forget a fight in the States, you know.


(INAUDIBLE) most of the top British fighters in history of boxing fight in America and I’ve not done that yet, so you know, it would be nice, definitely, it would be nice to maybe come to Madison Square Garden and (INAUDIBLE) fight, if the right fight could  be made, and so on and …


SEAN REED:  If it doesn’t work out, I mean, what I’m asking is, is would you feel, would there be a sense of unfulfillment if you never fought here or, I mean if it doesn’t work out it just doesn’t work out.


JOE CALZAGHE:  I’d say, if it doesn’t work out, it doesn’t work out.  It would be nice to go to America, but my career’s legacy won’t suffer if I don’t.


SEAN REED:  OK, my last question for you Joe.  Are you at all familiar with The Contender series, did you watch it, and what are some of your thoughts on “The Contenders” impact on the sport of boxing?


JOE CALZAGHE:  Yes, I watched The Contender series, and more than the second one, you know, yes, I enjoyed it, I enjoyed it.  Obviously it opens up boxing to the public not just the sports fan.


I enjoyed it, you know.  As you can see what The Contender series has done for Peter.  He’s got a shot at the World Title, and (INAUDIBLE) take him to another level and open up his visibility to the public.  It’s just great to talk to him.


SEAN REED:  I can tell by the disappointment in your voice what the answer may be but I want to get it for the record, is Freddie Roach’s absence a one-fight thing or are you guys discussing working together in the future or are there no plans at this time to work with him again?


PETER MANFREDO:  Man, I don’t know.  I like Freddy, but, we’ll see, I don’t know, we’ll see what happens.  I win the World Title, we’ll see, we’ll go back, I’ll talk to him, I’ll see what happened.  My strength and conditioning coach was supposed to come out here, he missed his flight, he didn’t come out here, so now it’s like, I don’t even feel anxious to go back to the gym, I don’t even know, so.


JEFF WALD:  At the end of the day, it’s Peter and Joe who are in the ring, not Enzo, not Peter Sr. not Ray, not Roach, not anybody.  You know, they can just do so much, and Peter has been prepared.  He’s been prepared from his father since he’s five.


Freddie put some polish on it.  Ray has given him another game, and you know, it’s a team, it’s a team effort.  It’s a great, a great corner, but at the end of the day I don’t care who it is, when Joe steps into the ring, when Peter steps into the ring, they’re in there by themselves, a pair of shorts, sneakers and some gloves.  That’s it.


I don’t think Freddy Roach should be the issue.  You know, from my point of view, as somebody involved I am in the promotion of Peter Manfredo, I think it’s horrible what Freddie did.  That’s just a personal opinion.


PETER MANFREDO:  I wanted to finish the question.  Yes, I don’t know.  I’m just looking for this fight right now and I haven’t sit down and discussed it with him or my father yet, or anything like that.  I mean, my business not to show up to his gym one day and say, you know, I’m just not going to go and go to someone else.  I’m going to sit down and talk with him.  I’m a real man.  I’m going to talk to him man-to-man, you know get everything straight but as of right now I’m just worried about April 7.


SEAN REED:  Peter, I know a lot of your fights have been in the Rhode Island area where you’re clearly the crowd favorite.  Do you kind of relish being the bad guy for once, going into the other guy’s backyard and, you know, do you relish that at all?


PETER MANFREDO:  Yes, it actually feels good, man. Like I said, I have no pressure on me.  I’m coming here, I’m going to get booed, you know probably in the beginning or they sing over here I think.  They whistle or whatever.  I don’t even know.  And I think by the end of the night, though I think I’m going to turn the crowd over, kind of like Rocky going to Russia, you know.  But, it’s kind of cool.  I’ve got no pressure on me going there fighting the World Champion, who’s expected to kill me and I’ve got a lot of surprises for a lot of people that night.


You know, he’s a man just like I’m a man, and I want it as much as he wants it and that’s just got all the makings to be a great fight, so, I’m going in there.  I feel great.  The best camp I’ve had, like I said in the beginning, so you know, April 7 I think I’m going to shock the world.


FRED STERNBURG:  Ray, everyone’s talking about the twentieth anniversary of your victory over Hagler and what a big upset that was and I think Jeff mentioned the odds were something like 20 to one at the time. 


Do you see any kind of similarity, any kind of signs in the Manfredo camp that were recognizable to you, that were reminiscent of signs you saw in your own camp leading up to the Hagler fight?  A positive sign that indicates the upset could happen again on April 7, just as it did 20 years ago when you fought Hagler?


SUGARY RAY LEONARD:  Yes. A major similarity is I heard some of the writers ask Joe Calzaghe what’s next, or ask Frank Warren what’s next, which totally overlooks Peter Manfredo.  Same thing was asked about Hagler.  ‘Hagler, who’s next after Ray?’  They gave me no shot whatsoever, and I think there’s such a parallel, it’s like deja vu, it’s really freaky Fred.


FRED STERNBURG:  Before we close the call out, I just want to get a last comment from both fighters.  Joe, anything last, any last remarks before we close out the call?


JOE CALZAGHE:  Just, feeling great.  Looking forward to April the seventh, and then you’ll see why I’m Champion for nearly ten years.  Because I’m a very good fighter, and I’ve got a lot of respect for him for taking this challenge, and I’m sure he’ll be at his best, but you know, I’m ready to, put on a good performance.


PETER MANFREDO:  I just want to thank Joe again for the opportunity and I’m ready to go.  I trained extremely hard, the longest I’ve been away from my family.  I think I’m going to shock the world on April 7.  Everybody’s going to see that I’ve got balls the size of cantaloupes, and become the new champion April 7 because, forget about it!


JEFF WALD:  I love boxing.  I’ve been watching it since I’m eight years old, and I don’t like to see the sport start to, you know, giving anything to UFC and the rest of that stuff.  That’s not sport to me, that’s you know, one shot short of the Christians and the Lions and Frank has been involved with great fights.  Both of us have been thrilled with the turnout, both for the fans, and with the kind of media turnout that there was today, this is great for us.


FRANK WARREN:  I’m looking forward to a great fight.  I’m sure these guys are going to put a spectacle on for you.  So see you on the seventh.