By George the Don the Bomb in action!

By Socrates Palmer Jr


By George the Don the Bomb in action!

Donovan George, AKA Don “Da Bomb” George is back in action after a lengthy lay off. “Da Bomb” is part of the supporting cast on the 8 Count Promotions bout sheet taking place at Cicero Stadium in Cicero, Illinois. George is part of the supporting cast of an 8 bout card which junior welterweight contender, David Diaz will be the main attraction. The 21 year old George who is a Cestus Management product is looking to steal the show. Not only is this George’s first fight in nearly 9 months but it is a home coming for the Chicago native. George, who campaigns in the Super Middleweight division, currently owns a flawless record of 7 wins with 0 losses, and 5 victories coming by way of knockout, and 1 draw. This exciting night of boxing can be seen on the Spanish network Telefutara as part of their weekly boxing series beginning at 9:00pm eastern time this evening. “Da Bomb” has been placed on the swing bout in terms of television coverage, but hopefully those who won’t be there live will get a shot to see a possible future world champion.
“Da Bomb” says that he is 100% back from his first serious injury as a professional. George suffered what he called a minor hand injury, on the lower part of his right hand near his wrist.
“I feel like a new man, I went back to the drawing board and got back to fundamentals. The time off despite it was due to an injury was a blessing in disguise, in some way. I felt my body needed the rest and I feel refreshed and ready to go”, said George.
The never bashful Mike Michael, Cestus Management’s advisor, concurred that George at the tender age of 21 could afford to take some time off.
"Da Bomb, looks great man. This was an old injury that he had from the amateurs and it just needed time to properly heal. He is a young fighter and there is no need to rush anything at this time. At his age the time off can only do him well. He’s got a world talent, Don is a great kid and he is going to do great things in boxing. He is young, can really fight, and hits like a mule,” said Michael.
George's injury and moxy will be tested when he faces Robert Smallwood of St. Joseph, Missouri in a bout slated for 6 rounds and contracted at 164 pounds. Smallwood is 26 years old and owns a pro record of 3-1 with 2 draws. Smallwood's boxing experience may pale in comparrion to that of George, but he is not stranger to combat. Smallwood is a veteran of mixed martial arts and is coming off a knockout win back in April of this year.  
"I dont know whole lot about this guy, but I hear he is tough and I know that he is coming to win. I expect him to try and fight a rough fight, he will try to bully me and thats fine with me. That means he is going to be right in front of me", said George.
George feels that the key to looking spectacluar against Smallwood is to just stay cool and let his natural talent rise above a machismo fuled brawl.
"I know he's strong, and known for durability. I know what to expect a guy who is tough as shit, but too dumb not to realize when to go down. I know he does not expect to come into my hometown and beat me," stated George.
As mentioned earlier George will be fighting in front of family and friends, but to the brash undefeated prospect this is nothing new. In fact this will be his 5th time fighting in Chicago. However it will be his first fight back in the "Windy City" in about a year. George says that there wont be any butterflies in his stomach. In fact patience has been the toughest part so far for him. George thinks that his inactivity wont be an issue and does not expect any rust and says he sparred about 300 rounds and is really strong.
"I'm just really excited to be back in the ring. I have not been able to sleep that much the last couple of weeks, I've just been so pumped. When the bell rings I'll be ready. I feel like a kid in a candy store. I cant wait until Friday night, so I can blast somebody," said George. 


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