Brock: I will be back, better & stronger w/ Sweet Pea!

By. Ray O. Campbell Jr.


Brock: I will be back, better & stronger w/ Sweet Pea!

“Look for Calvin Brock to still become the heavyweight champion the world”

After reading the recently released press release on the Internet, which quoted Main Events CEO Kathy Duva as saying “Brock has started, an online travel agency.” decided to contact the Heavyweight contender to get the latest on what’s going down. “This (Calvin Brock Travel) is just something that I am doing on the side, but boxing is still my dream” stated the former world title challenger, who suffered his first career loss this past November to current IBF Heavyweight Champ Wladimir Klitschko 47-3(42). In this one on one interview, Brock 29-1(22) talks to us about his new business venture and his promise. “I will be back! Better, stronger, and with a new trainer. I will be training with Pernell “Sweet Pea” Whitaker now” Read on as the former Banker, now Travel agent/Boxer talks to us about some of the other changes he has made.

RC: (Kidding around) Calvin “Mr. Travel” Brock what’s been going on? I think I need a vacation can you help me out?
CB: Well you know Calvin Brock Travel can take you anywhere in the world you want to go.

RC:  (Laughing out Loud) What’s going on?
CB: Just maintaining my body and waiting until I get a date so I can get back into the gym. For right now I am working on Calvin Brock travel, and that’s about it. You can do anything there, you can purchase your girl flowers, event tickets, everything. You can do a whole bunch of stuff on my site.

RC: Sounds good, its all over the internet, many saw the press release and the first thing that automatically comes to mind is that you are probably taking a break from boxing for a while. Is that the case?
CB: Well this is just something that I am doing on the side, but boxing is still my dream.  It is my bread and butter and I am still coming back. So I am just doing my travel business on the side because the travel industry is one of the largest growing industries in the economy, and more and more people are getting comfortable booking their own travel online rather than using a traditional travel agent.

WTB, which stands for your travel business is the second largest online in the country right behind expedia. Expedia is number one and we are number two. The only difference is expedia spends tens of millions of dollars a year on advertising. So does Orbit, so does Travelocity, and the rest of them. But, YTB, they advertise through word of mouth by letting people come into the business and establish a down line, like I did. It is something that rather than sit around and throw around money, you can sit around and make money. It’s something that is growing.

RC: If anyone was interested in purchasing flights or anything like that from you or is interested in getting into the business through you, how would they go about doing that?
CB: They can just go to If anybody wanted to go into the business they can go to , that’s just br, the first two letters of my last name. Then they can go to through the presentation and the enrollment form both on the same page. So I just want to give everyone the same business opportunity that I have, it is really growing fast. It is a website that any boxer should respect because most boxers do travel and know people that travel. Any business that has employees can start using their own website, why not pay yourself for the same flight, for the same seat the same itinerary, the same rental car the same hotel for the same or a cheaper price.

RC: Okay now back to Calvin Brock the boxer. Earlier you mentioned that you were pretty much just waiting for a date, we can we expect that to be?
CB: I am just waiting for my Dad to give me a call saying that he spoke with Kathy Duva or Pat English over at Main Events. I want to get back in the ring in April, no later than May, but I am ready to get back into the ring in April.

RC: Can we expect to see you back on television in your return bout?
CB: Absolutely, it will be televised action I am not boxing off-TV.

RC: Ay networks being mentioned?
CB: No I don’t know, but I will still fight anybody. As long as the business comes out right If the price equals the competition it is a go, I will fight anybody, I only loss to Klitschko. It doesn’t matter whether it is ESPN, Showtime, or HBO it is whoever wants me. Lets do it, as long as the business comes out right, like always. But the main thing is to get back on television to show the people that I am going to come back and win the heavyweight championship of the world.

RC: If you had your choice what type of opponent will you be coming back in the ring against? Will it be someone just to get your feet wet, or will you be looking to step right back in to title contention?
CB: I am looking to step right back into contention, I am ready for the world. I lost my last boxing match, but mentally it didn’t break me down, and it didn’t hurt my confidence because I know why I loss. I am not making any excuses but I am ready to step back in with a top ten contender or a title elimination and put myself in position for a world title shot again.

RC: You just mentioned that you know why you feel you didn’t win the fight against Klitschko, can share that with us?
CB: Everything comes down to preparation but I don’t want to make any excuses or take any credit away from Klitschko because there is nothing that can be taken away from him. He knows how to prepare himself, he is a great fighter and that is why he won. But I will be back! Better, stronger, and with a new trainer. I will be training with Pernell “Sweet Pea” Whitaker now. I added another conditioning coach to me team, and we are rejuvenated with a new team. Also a new place to train and I am going to higher levels. The next time I get my world title shot I am going to win it.

RC: We all know that Sweet Pea was one of the best at what he does, but what do you feel Pernell Whitaker brings to the table for Calvin Brock?
CB: He brings that experience, he knows how to win, and he knows the strategy. I haven’t been in the gym with him yet, but hopefully he knows how to show it. I have the experience and I am on a level where somebody can show me something and I can see it and pick up what they are trying to show me because I understand what they are showing me. So I think he can help me out a lot, with showing me new things and also mentally, as well as strategically.

RC: How did the whole Sweet Pea Brock deal come about?
CB: He is employed by Main Events (Brock’s promoter) and he expressed interest that he would love to work with me because he can help me out a lot, and we started talking. I mentioned that I wanted to bring him on the team, and I decided that I am going to work with him.

RC: In the initial conversation, from his (Whitaker) perspective what does he feel he can bring to Calvin Brock?
CB: He feels that he can add to my mental thinking and preparation for my fights. The strategy in my corner, and improve m all around skills. Both offensive and defense, plus making a fight easier and helping me continue to win. Because that is what he does, the only fight that he ever really loss was against Felix Trinidad, that is the only fight that he ever really got beat. The other boxing matches that he didn’t win, they were all controversial in my opinion and in most of the people out there opinion as well.

RC: You said you have not actually been in the gym with him but have you been in the gym at all?
CB: I haven’t been in the gym with him because I haven’t had a boxing match scheduled in for me to go out to camp. I always train at home; get in shape an then I go off to camp. So it will be the same with Pernell as it was with my last trainer in Pittsburgh.

RC: Can you give us an idea of what you are currently doing in the gym while you are at home?
CB: I am just doing things with a conditioning coach, working on strength and conditioning, I am not in the boxing gym at all. Just staying fit.

RC: Is there anything else you would like to add in closing for now?
CB: Look for Calvin Brock to still become the heavyweight champion the world.


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