Boxngtalk's Daily Mailbag

By G. Leon


Boxngtalk's Daily Mailbag

First I hear of this hype and even though I don't think much of Mosley, there is no way Corrales should ever think of taking this fight. Body shots alone, not to mention the most vulnerable punch he's Susceptible to (right hook) is Mosley's best punch, would destroy Corrales. Mosley would also be by far the strongest fighter Corrales has stepped with to date. Not sure why I'm writing about this fight, maybe it's because I don't want to see Corrales go out like a Leonard did. Btw Hope you're supporting high school boxing; just wish that was around eight years ago.

Leon's Response: I agree that the fight should never happen, but not for the reasons you mentioned. Mosley's best punch is a right hook? Since when. As long as Shane and Diego are SUCH close friends, there's no reason for them to fight each other. Winky Wright and Vernon Forrest didn't fight because they're cool with each other and Mosley and Corrales are way closer than Vernon and Wink.

Hey Leon, I'm a true fan of boxing and your site. I just wanted to post my thoughts on this fight. I think Barrera is a good fighter and has a good resume when it comes to his career, but Marquez has shown little by little that he is one of the most technical fighters in his
weight class. Why Bob Arum did not take advantage of his talent, only he knows. I pick Marquez on this fight, due to the fact that they guy can slug and be technical at the same time. One can only thank the boxing gods for making this fight happen. Can't wait to see Marquez versus Paquiao again, it will be the fight of the decade like it was fight of the year to me in 2004. Take care.. G-Melo....

Leon's Response: Juan Manuel Marquez is a technician and Barrera will have to be at his best to beat him, but Marco has shown time and time again that het gets up for big fights, especially when his back is against the wall. In my opinion, Barrera's best chance of winning is to make it a brawl, I don't think he's going to be able to outbox Marquez and I know he's not going to be able to "beat him with one hand" ala Rocky Juarez. For the sake of boxing let's hope the winner of MAB-Marquez fights Pacquiao next. We've already lost Taylor-Wright II and Jones-Hopkins II...I certainly don't want to see MAB/Marquez-Pacquiao II fall apart as well, but with the ongoing legal battle over Pacquiao who knows?

Hey man, I read your mailbags everyday and enjoy the different boxing opinions espoused by fans! I believe that Klitschko/Austin will be a barnburner with Austin surprising everyone including the Ukrainian giant with a TKO or UD! I get the feeling just by Emmanuel Steward’s talk that Wladdy has underestimated Austin and Manny is trying to psych Austin out to compensate. Floyd Sr will pass off enough ‘inside information’ about Oscar to Floyd Jr that PBF won’t even have to watch films of Oscar, methinks an easy night for ‘Lil’ Floyd, thanks to his daddy! I do think contrary to what Leonard Ellerbe says that Floyd needs to be stronger to be successful in this division. I don’t think that strength training if done correctly will take away from Floyd’s reflexes or quickness, on the contrary correct strength training will enhanced those attributes while making Floyd more rugged, durable and give him a bigger punch. Concerning Floyd’s speed, yes he was quicker at the lower weight divisions, but the fighters at the upper divisions are also slower so by relativity Floyd has kept his speed and quickness, so says Einstein! Zab Judah is the worst opponent for anybody when he’s down-and-out, he’s been suspended for a year, fined $250K, allegedly owes Don King $2.5M, dropped from DKP; I call that down-and-out Cotto better BEWARE! Clottey/Corrales what can I say, this is far from a pick-em fight, if Corrales has a death wish to go out on his shield Clottey probably will oblige him! Corrales would’ve done better to have chosen Chris ‘The Mechanic’ Smith as his first fight at 147lbs; after all Antonio Margarito ain’t giving Clottey no rematch

Leon's Response: Austin over Klitschko? That's a bold statement my friend. Honestly, I don't think the fight warrants me taking the time to email my staff asking for predictions, but I do appreciate your outlandishness. FYI...While having his father back can't be construed as a bad thing, Mayweather doesn't study films of his opponents and doesn't need his father to be victorious on May 5. If Corrales punch moves up to welterweight with him the Clottey fight becomes a pick-em fight. At the risk of sounding redundant, Clottey wouldn't have been on my short list of opponents for Diego's welterweight debut.


What's up G?  Boxingtalk has been kicking butt with all the fight coverage, interviews, and articles.  This is my favorite site, hands down!  Keep blowing the competition away my man.  I really liked your question to Mayweather, "are you going to pot shot him to death"?  These are the type of tough questions that need to be asked to both fighters and for good reason. May 5th is one of the biggest fights in history.  Plus, Mayweather and DLH are making a boat load of money.  We as fans deserve to see 2 guys going all out and giving everything they've got.  To see pot shots and a safety-first performance from either guy would be greatly disappointing and only cause MMA to gain more ground over boxing.  Even though most of my friends don't agree with me, I think Mayweather will stay in the pocket with DLH and prove that he doesn't need to just pot shot/move in order to win.  Mosley didn't have to pot shot and he still beat DLH twice.  I think Mayweather can too. Keep bringin the excellent mailbags!

Leon's Response: Thanks for the kind words, I appreciate them. This is a rarity, but I agree with everything that you said. Especially your showering of props, LOL.

Just wanted to get your HONEST thoughts on Ishe Smith. I know he is a guest on the site but come on lets be real.  I watched his 'fight', if you want to call it that, with Powell and it went just like I told him it would.  He never let his hands go, never acted like he wanted to win, never fought with anything near intensity and subsequently srewed up another big opportunity.  This guy is turning into the Golato of the 54's, how many times does he have to stink it out to get forgotten as a real contender.  He screwed up his shot on The Contender and now his HBO shot.  Golden Boy, let it go! And then I read on SecondsOut today that he still wants Vernon Forest or my boy Verno Phillips.  Huh?  You put us to sleep vs Powell and now you want to move up again?  How about earning a shot at guys ranked by The Ring magazine with your fists inside the ring instead of trying to bait these guys into fights with your BIG MOUTH! Verno and Vernon mop the floor with his defensive, non throwing azz.Change his name to Ish-ZZZ and tell him to find a new profession. Thanx, Chris Morris

Leon's Response: I honestly believe Sechew and Ishe could have given us a more action packed fight, but I don't think the fight was as bad as some are making it out to be. First of all it was a Boxing After Dark co-feature. Regardless of how much their interviews on Boxingtalk could cause some to believe otherwise, Powell-Smith wasn't the main event and it wasn't the fight carrying the card. With that being said it was a tactical boxing match between two young fighters who were pretty evenly matched. Both guys should have let their hands go a bit more...I honestly think there wouldn't be such a fuss over the nature of the fight had both guys not talked it up so much.

Hey Greg, Just read all Matt Aguilar's latest rant and damn, the mans off his rocker.  I'm no fan of the alphabet groups but blaming them for everything from Levander to Burgos to the glove at OJ's is irresponsible. How he can blame the IBF for what happen this past weekend? I watched the fight with three other knowledgable fight fans and from the 6th round on we all thought his CORNER should stop this, his corner failed him, period. It's strange the same night Urkal's trainer threw in the towel(great timing), and Roach didn't think twice when Isreal said he couldn't breathe and couldn't continue, and Vasquez had infinitely more to lose by quitting early not to mention he was very much in the fight. I could go on for 4000 words and list a bunch of examples where decent corner people saved their fighters serious damage to refute Matt's tunnel-vision onslaught but I know your busy. I will point out that "mismatch" is a writers' word that always comes after the fact, if not Burgos, who? yes we can all name one or two(not at 112) But Darchinyan could ko anyone 118 and down, with the same repercussions, if their corner allows it to happen. As fans, writers, trainers, promoters, sponsors and all who are involved with the sport it hits home when things like this happens mostly because we are all a little to blame, we all know this will happen again , we all love the sizzle but want to prevent or at least avoid the spatter. I accept my responsibility as a fight going/ppv purchasing fan, I'm sure Mr. Burgos' trainer accepts his, but Mr. Aguilar believes it to be more important to take a shot at the powers than paying tribute to a warrior- real classy. Greg, i am not a rich man but i managed to scrape enough to buy a good De La hoya ticket so I will gladly pledge $300 to a fund for Injured fighters and challenge mouthpiece Matt to match me unless he feels he has done his part by letting us all know who is really to blame. please let me know where to make my donation thx -elhubbo (Tom Schmitz)

Leon's Response: The beauty of adding well respected journalists to BoxingTalk is they're all going to give you their opinions regardless of what you may think. I didn't agree with every word Matthew wrote, but I think the majority of his points were valid. Darchinyan being able to KO anyone from 118 on down doesn't change the fact that Burgos didn't deserve to be mandated by the IBF or IBFelons as Dean Katz writes. Honestly, in my opinion the Burgos fight should have been stopped by Victor's corner following any round after the seventh.

Whats up Greg, some of these boxers really should consult their public relations people before they go talking big while using numbers. We had RJ confusing a 62.5/37.5 offer with 75/25 and now we have Floyd Mayweather on Boxingtalk saying that his KO ratio 24 KO's out of 37 fights (65% ko's) is greater than Oscars 30 KO's out of 42 fights. Sorry little Floyd but Oscars knockout ratio is 71%. Luckily for Floyd numbers are for mathematicians and fighting is for fighters, I just hope little man does his part like Oscar will and gives the fight fans a fight. But unlucky for Floyd I think this self humiliation will reoccur again in May with a little help from the Golden Boy. Brad, Australia

Leon's Response: Fortunately for Floyd he's the world's best when he steps into the ring so he doesn't have to worry much about his math. Who doesn't hope we see a toe-to-toe battle on Cinco De Mayo? 


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