Boxingtalk Prospect Watch: Kelvin Price

By Brad Cooney


Boxingtalk Prospect Watch: Kelvin Price

When Roy Jones, Sr. calls you to say that he's got a future American heavyweight champion in his stable, Boxingtalk listens. Standing 6'7" tall, Kelvin Price (4-0 with 4 KOs) is a transition athlete, coming from professional basketball to the sport of boxing. Davis knocked out his last opponent in 1:42 seconds of the first round. He trains with the man who made the legend, Roy Jones, Sr. in Pensacola, Florida. Big Roy has a saying when it comes to an American heavyweight champ: “America is asking for one, and were delivering!”

BT – Recently you knocked out Melvin Lumzy in 1:42 seconds of the first round. Talk about your performance.

KP – I think I did pretty good, it was over with in just over a minute. There is steady room for improvement. I am going out there and just trying to put on a good performance, and moving forward.

BT – What are some things that you think you can improve on in your young career?

KP – Well when you add them all up, I have only had about 7 rounds all together. I need more rounds, and I will try to get the things that we have been working on to come out in the fight. Most of my fights have been over with in the first round. I need to get more experience, and more relaxed in front of the crowd.

BT – Being 6ft 7in tall, do you find it a challenge to keep disciplined and fight tall?

BT – It all depends on what the fight calls for. I have to adjust to my opponent, or the opponent has to adjust to me. I mean, I am having fun with this. To me it's not just training camp, it's a boxing school, a tremendous boxing school. We are having a lot of fun, Roy and I. We have been together for 5 years now.

BT – Of course you're talking about Roy Jones Sr. Talk about how it is to be training with a legend.

BT – I love it, he's like my father. He has reinforced many things that my father made me do when I was a child. Roy won't let you get away with things, if you're going to do things, do them right. Roy has reinforced things, and taught me things that my father taught me. Things like working on cars, hanging sheet rock, even fishing. There are many things he teaches me not only in boxing, but outside of boxing as well.

BT – Having a relationship like that with him I would think is reassuring.

KP – Like I said, we are having fun. He is sitting back with a big smile on his face right now. There is no pressure right now, were just having a lot of fun right now.

BT – That's probably going to change once you step up in competition though.

KP – Yes, probably so but right now, it's a lot of fun.

BT – What is your assessment of the current heavyweight division?

KP – Well I am not really even looking at it too hard right now. There are a lot of guys that are saying that they are the next heavyweight prospect, or they this or that. The American public has been asking for an American heavyweight, and we are trying to deliver that.

BT – What does Kelvin Price bring into the ring that the current prospects aren't?

KP – I am 6ft 7in and I weight 250lbs. I played pro basketball, and I bring maturity. I bring skills, and I am with one of the best trainers in the world. I am not a fat heavyweight at all, I am in good shape.

BT – How busy do you want to be in 2008?

KP – That's all up to my coach and my management team. I have complete faith in them, I don't doubt them at all.

BT – Where would you like to see your career this time next year?

KP – A couple more fights, a couple more wins. There is no need to rush things, we'll take it a fight a time and we will see what happens.

BT – Do you have any closing thoughts for the fans?

KP – I want to thank my basketball fans that have been supporting me in the boxing word now. I want to thank my new fans in the boxing world. Stay tune because were going to put on a great show for you all.


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