BoxingTalk Prospect Watch: Devon Alexander

By G. Leon


BoxingTalk Prospect Watch: Devon Alexander

GL: What's the latest and greatest Devon? "I'm fitting to be on this undercard of the Diaz-Diaz fight on October 13. I'm supposed to be fightign a guy Corey Peters and I'm ready to be 13-0 and October 13."

GL: Will Peters go the distance?

Devon Alexander: "I don't never like to go into a fight thinking I'm going to knock somebody out. I'm going in there to do what I got to do, if the knockout comes it comes. I'm ready to work for it and I know what I'm going to do."

GL: Do you feel that now is the time for you to move at a faster pace?

DA: "Definitely. I'm leaving that up to my manager Kevin Cunningham and my promoter Don King. I'd love to fight every couple of months I can tell you that."

GL: Is there anybody out there who you're looking at for your break through fight?

DA: "I can fight any of them. Coach was talking about Timothy Bradley somebody like that who I can use as a steppinstone. Chop Chop Corley would be someone I'd fight."

GL: So you feel you're ready for a big step up in opposition?

DA: "Hell yeah. I feel that I'm ready for anybody. As long as I train and I listen to coach I can beat anybody. I want to fight again in December and then make my mark in 2008."

GL: What part of your game do you feel needs the most sharpening?

DA: "I need more strength and power. That's what we've been working on, sitting down on punches and smoothly setting them up instead of just trying to rush it. Now I'm going just as hard, but I'm relaxing and being patient with it."

GL: Are you comfortable at 140?

DA: "Yeah I feel really comfortable here. I feel really strong as this weight and I'm still growing. I'm to fight anybody and I'm going to show the world that I can do it all. This is only the start of something special."


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