Boxingtalk Prospect Watch: Carlos Ivan Velasquez

By G. Leon


Boxingtalk Prospect Watch: Carlos Ivan Velasquez

GL: It's been a while since we've had you on Boxingtalk, what can we expect to see from you on September 13? "I feel really strong, I have no type of distractions and come September 13, you're going to see what you always see from the Twin Dream, action and a great fighter putting work in."

GL: Do you have any idea who you'll be fighting next?

CV: "No we're waiting on the opponent from the promoter."

GL: You're 8-0 with 6 KO's, but the opposition has been limited, are you ready to step it up soon?

CV: "I'm just training hard and I'm ready to go. After 10 or 11 fights, I'll be ready to jump up a couple of levels. But that's not really up to me, that's up to my managers and promoter. My job is to train and get ready. Whenever Golden Boy feels I'm ready, I'll be ready."

GL: So basically you plan on gettting a couple of more wins in to end the year and then moving on the fast track in 2009?

CV: "100%"

GL: You're the last person to defeat Gamboa. That happened in the amatuers, is that a fight you want to take place again in the pro's?

CV: "He's a great fighter and he's been moving very fast. He's got lots of skills. I am the last one to beat him and it is one fight that I see in the future, and I think it's going to be a mega-fight when it happens. Everybody knows who would come out the winner. Just like I beat him in the amatuers, I want to beat him in the pro's."

GL: Closing thoughts?

CV: "I just want to thank all of my fans world wide, Latin America and most of all Puerto Rico, the country I represent. I want to assure all of my boricua fans that they got two world champions in the near future."


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