Boxingtalk Prospect Watch: BJ Flores

By G. Leon


Boxingtalk Prospect Watch: BJ Flores

GL: Boxingtalk broke the news about you becoming a promotional free agent last week. Can you give us some thoughts on your newfound promotional freedom? "It had been a lenghty process over the last seven months. They hadn't given me any fights, we had contacted them and told them about us wanting us to fight and be active. They told us they had a couple of big shows coming up, they just never materialized. They were supposed to have a show on August 10, that didn't come off. We got tired of it and we had our attorney send them a letter to get us a fight or else, they didn't and we decided to follow through with the next step, which was to go to arbitration. We told them what our damages were and they decided to go ahead an release me."

GL: Have any promoters shown interest in you since we broke the news?

BJ Flores: "There has. A few people have contacted us already. I don't want to mention any names yet, but we just broke the news on Boxingtalk and we had a press release go out on Friday so the word has been getting out. I'm just looking to sign with the promoter who could get me back on TV and get me the best opportunities."

GL: When do you expect to sign with a new promoter and ultimately return to the ring?

BF: "I'm not in any rush to sign, but I am in a rush to return to the ring. I have a fight tentatively scheduled for October 13 in Springfield, Missouri which is where I grew up. There's a couple of different opponents that we're kicking around, but it's just going to be something to keep me busy because I've been off for way too long Greg."

GL: You've campaigned at heavyweight and are rated by the IBF at cruiserweight. Where will you campaign?

BF: "I'm going to campaign at cruiserweight. I walk around at 218 so I can make 200 with the right diet. But I plan on being there. At the same time I will be a cruiserweight for a year or two max before I move back up to heavyweight."

GL: Wouldn't you be better served building your body up and campaigning at heavyweight if you're going to end up there anyway?

BF: "I think so, but I'm just going to let nature take its course. Eventually I'm going to be a heavyweight whether I like it or not. At cruiserweight, I feel like I can be competitive with any of the world champions right now. All I need is somebody to step up and give me the opportunity to do that. I'm looking for a promoter who's going to put me in the big fights and give me the chance to fight for the titles at cruiserweight before I eventually move up to heavyweight."

GL: Don King seems to have a pretty good grip on the cruiserweight division, is it safe to say that he's one of the promoters interested in you?

BF: "It would be safe to say that. I think there's a lot to take into consideration whenever you're signing a promotional contract. My main thing is I want to stay as active as possible. I've been off seven months and I can't stand it. The only promise I want from a promoter is that he'll keep me active and continue to move me up the ladder with better opponents in each fight. Don KIng will definitely be in the mix because like you said he's got a firm grip on the cruiserweight so I'm looking forward to meeting with them and hearing what they've got to say."

GL: Do you consider yourself a prospect or contender?

BF: "You know what? I haven't beaten a contender yet. I'm on the cusp. I'm rated #12 by the IBF, I think in my heart and the eyes of my trainer, they know I'm a contender. But until I beat a contender I'm not going to be considered a threat to the champions by anyone other than myself, but I'm anxious to prove myself, all I need is the chance to do it. Once I get the opportunity I think the boxing world will view me as a contender and not just a prospect."

GL: Obviously being off for seven months has you wanting to take a tune up or two before stepping it up to the world class level, correct?

BF: "It will, it will. We're kicking around some names of experienced guys who should be able to give me some rounds. Right after that I want a fight where I can really be moved after I win. I will fight anybody in the top 15 as long as the offer is right. I want to move fast because I don't know how long I can make this weight for. I'm looking forward to hearing all offers."

GL: Is there anything you'd like to say in closing?

BF: "I want to give a shoutout to everyone who helped me get away from SilverHawk. I feel great now, I'm free and more dedicated to the sport than ever. I've been training hard during this time off and I'm ready. I'm looking for a championship belt really soon."


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