Boxingtalk Introduces Elijah McCall

By Socrates Palmer Jr


Boxingtalk Introduces Elijah McCall

BT: Elijah, congrats on your win and what's going through your mind right now? "I'm feeling pretty happy that I got that out of the way and now I"m ready to move on." BT: Describe how the fight went down. "I came in looking to use my jab a little bit, but then when I hit him with the first right hand he was running all over the ring. I tracked him down did a little Jake LaMotta him."

BT: Have you been a boxing fan your whole life?

Elijah McCall: "I have been around it for so long that I've been a fan for a while, but I've only been training for six months and I've been learning on the job by sparring with my dad."

BT: I hear you had a football scholorship tell us about that.

EM: "I had a full football scholorship to James Madison University and I gave that up to come here. I weighed 250 when I was playing and they wanted me to gain more weight. I feel stronger than ever now and I came in at 219 for this fight."

BT: How old are you?

RM: "20, just turned 20 on March 3."

BT: When is the next time you'll be back in the ring?

EM: "I'll be right back in August I think the fight is going to be in Chicago."

BT: Your father said you'll be heavyweight champ in two years, do you see yourself on that track?

EM: "I think so. I've been sparring with my father and that's the best way for me to learn and what better experience than to be working with a former heavyweight champion."