Boxingtalk's Better late than never Mailbag

By G. Leon


Boxingtalk's Better late than never Mailbag

I'm happy to read that HBO will show the calzaghe-bika fight. I mean, it’s not a huge fight but atleast they are showing their newest fighter and im glad I get to see it. My next question I hope  you can answer. Are any networks going to show the Kessler vs Beyer fight on tape delay??? I want to see this one bad. I would figure if anyone would do it, it would be Showtime cuz they are big in the supermiddle division and going overseas to show fights. I read that HBO was thinking of showing it but not anymore cuz Kessler might sign with the Contender promotion company. So does that mean ESPN might show it on tape delay? I just want to see this fight. I don’t’ understand why more networks don’t show tape delay fights from overseas. There are some big fights that people would like to see. so I hope they show that fight. Peace out Sergio Herrera

Leon's Response: I'm not too thrilled that HBO is airing Calzaghe-Bika, and I would have liked to see Calzaghe follow up his win over Lacy with another marquee level event. I've been hearing throught the grapevine that if Calzaghe wins this fight I shouldn't be surprised if his next fight took place against Antonio Tarver. I don't think any of the major networks in America will air that super middleweight unification bout.

Greg, I think boxing is getting better and better; and by the way, Oleg vs Peter needs to happen right away; the heavyweight division doesn't need another lame fight. Now, the purpose of my e-mail is that "El Nuevo Dia" (local paper) published that Tito Trinidad would agreed to come out of retirement for a fight against Oscar, as long as Oscar agrees with his conditions, including that fight must happen at 160#s.This is great for boxing; while we wait for Floyd to step up into a mega fight, I'll rather watch Tito vs ODLH rematch "7 days a week and twice on Sundays", LOL. Also read that Oktay Urkal would step aside, allowing a fight between Miguel Cotto and Carlos Quintana: have you heard anyhing regarding this matter? You take care and keep up the good work. Albert, PR

Leon's Response: Oleg is fighting Peter right away, unfortunately it's Peter Ohkello and not the far more deserving Samuel Peter. I couldn't agree with you more about the heavyweight division needing a marquee fight and when two guys the caliber of Toney and Peter take the kind of risk they took by fighting each other the mandatory should be enforced immediately. What nobody has mentioned is that Tito's terms have not changed. He wants a 60-40 split like Oscar received for the first fight...and as you should know Oscar never takes less. The real question that needs to be proposed to the Trinidad and De La Hoya camps is, can the fight take place with a 50-50 split? I heard about it while I was in Vegas but I was partying a bit too hard to rush up twenty something fights. Last week's trip in a word, CRAZY.
What up G? That's some crazy shit that somebody finally got an  Interview with Bojado I was wondering were the hell he was at, I wonder how he will do once he comes back I have to agree with you when you said that the heavyweight champions shouldn't be taking no easy fights they should be fighting their mandatorys or the best out their. SAN D13GO VILLAIN.

Leon's Response: There's no doubt Bojado is a talented fighter, his downfall seems to be his lack of desire to achieve greatness. I still wish him all the best on his comeback attempt though. The best heavyweights must continue to fight each other. The public deserves to have a last man standing at heavyweight.

Hey man, this PBF and Terrell Owens hating is getting extreme! Winky needs to stop with the Fernando Vargas flashbacks; he didn’t get ROBBED BIGTIME against Taylor even though he could have got the nod. The last round of the 1st fight secured Winky’s fate! The rematch will be much tougher for Winky and Taylor. PBF will be in a tough scrap against Baldy who may be every bit as tough as Margarito; fighting Baldy is a very risky fight for the P4P Picasso! Why is it that some fighters get breaks when choosing opponents (Hatton choosing not to fight Mayweather, Margarito choosing Clottey instead of Williams) and other fighters accused of being frauds? What’s up with Evander Holyfield, he’s chosen a game guy to fight for his second tuneup fight in Fres Oquendo!

Leon's Response: Owens broken finger nearly broke my heart, LOL. Winky should have gotten the nod over Taylor in my opinion and he should have taken the $5M to fight Taylor next if you ask me. At the end of the day this is a business and it's all about the money and I can't see Winky making more than $5M against Ike Quartey or anyone else other than Taylor for that matter.

Whats up Gregory, on the Mayweather topic seeing that you're still insisting on dragging other fighters into your responses in a negative way when answering a question specific to Floyd, i'd like to respond to the latest attempt. You implied that there is no difference in Floyd
choosing Baldomir over Margarito than there is in Margarito choosing Clottey over Williams. So if there is no difference I assume you will give the Margarito-Clottey fight the same praise and justification you give the Mayweather-Baldomir fight? I know I wouldn't, but I recognise
Floyd as a very popular fighter and the fans will talk about Floyd more than Marg's because we (majority and not the Margaritoes) don't give a shit about Margarito? Margarito will have his name mentioned when another big name is mentioned along with it, Floyd will have his name
mentioned no matter what. If that equates to double standards then so be it, but to me it just proves that Floyd is so much better than the rest and he has the popularity to show for it, all attention is good attention! 

Leon's Response: I know that Joshua Clottey is one of the better welterweights out there and I think Margarito-Clottey is a good Showtime fight so you won't hear me tear it down. The purpose of my response was to point out the double standard Floyd has to go through. After fights with De La Hoya, Mosley and Hatton coudln't get done there's an uproar for him to fight Margarito but no uproar for Hatton, Mosley or Oscar to fight him next. Now Margarito is fighting Clottey instead of his mandatory challenger Paul Williams and there isn't any uproar.

Hey G G G Man ... yo, I am very disappointed tha DLH would rather fight Trinidad than PBF. Trinidad doesn't need DLH. He should stay retired. EVERYBODY would rather see DLH vs PBF. Now to be honest ... do you know what would generate more money .. Trinidad vs PBF at 154lbs. The only thing is Trinidad couldn't get down that far. I really hope DLH fights PBF and not Trinidad, but on the other hand, if Trinidad beat DLH, he would go out on Top with a win. What are your thoughts

Leon's Response: Trinidad's win over De La Hoya left a bad taste in Oscar's mouth and I'm sure that's why he prefers Tito over any other fight, but I doubt we ever see a Trinidad-De La Hoya rematch. I expect to face Floyd Mayweather Jr in his next fight, if Floyd is successful on November 4 and Feb. 24 first of course.

Hey Greg, there is a lot of talk about Dela Hoya vs Trinidad 2 as a possibility for May 2007.  Honestly, if Tito comes to collect a paycheck as he did with Winky he should do all of us a favor and stay retired.  However, the Tito that fought Joppy and Mayorga would give DLH some trouble. Lets not compare Hopkins at 160 with Tito because DLH will never have the strength to overpower Tito so there is no comparison.  I know that DLH is a superb boxer with an excellent jab, speed and movement which tends to be the recipe for beating Tito, but DLH lacks one thing that we have not seen in him since the late 90's and that is STAMINA.  I believe that DLH can outbox Tito early, much like the first fight, the difference being that as DLH tires in the mid to late rounds Tito becomes stronger and the fact that DLH will not run this time could mean some quality exchanges in the late rounds favoring Tito.  Again that is if Tito comes to fight rather than collect a payday.  What is DLH smoking when he says that he is stronger than Tito because he KO ed Mayorga much easier.  Someone needs to remind DLH that its much easier to KO a fighter AFTER taking a beating on the hands of Tito such as Carr, Campas, Vargas and Mayorga.  Greg, I honestly feel that DLH has NO intention to fight Tito, this latest rumors are a publicity stunt/business move to force Mayweather to take less money thinking that DLH has other options.  That's B.S.  My reasoning is that DLH has a tendency to call Tito when he is retired and every time that Tito's team (6 times) have sent DLH a proposal he has failed to pursue it.  I like many millions would love to see this fight happen since it would be 1) the greatest non-heavyweight PPV event surpassing the first one, 2) DLH will not run this time, so us fans are curious to see him go 12 with a big puncher and 3) see Mayweather cry since I am one of those fans who believe that Mayweather (whose never fought at 154) deserves a shot at DLH as much as I deserve a rash.  Sorry Greg, since I messed with your boy Mayweather this would not make it to your mailbag.  NM from Houston

Leon's Response: Winky Wright is the reason Trinidad looked so sluggish after he looked stellar against the smaller, flat footed Mayorga. I don't believe the De La Hoya-Trinidad rematch will happen and to be honest it doesn't really bother me much. As I have said before, the first fight was so uneventful that it's hard to imagine the rematch being any worse, but that's not exactly the selling points die hard boxing fans are looking for on a PPV rematch.

What's up mr Leon how are you doing today? Hope everything is well. Here in Cali it's pretty good. I had a question maybe you can answer this one for me Oscar De LaHoya won the WBC belt a few months ago and now weather he retires or not shouldn't the WBC had already ordered him a mandatory I mean they do this with all their other fighters pretty quick specially when there is money involved. Or is the WBC being their old crooked self again and letting him keep his belt for as long as he wants, instead of making him defend it agains his mandatory like all others would. I know if Oscar does end up Fighting Floyd they will make a killing on their fees but come on lets be fair if you force others to take mandatorys Oscar should not be excluded out of their normal rules and regulations. Which they bend and brak all the time. I would just like to know what your educated opinion is on this.  Carlos from San Diego CALIFORNIA.

Leon's Response: As long as Oscar isn't officially retired they will allow him to hold onto his title. They would create an interim title, do whatever necessary to ensure that they get a piece of Oscar's next fight. You are right the rules should be enforced regardless of who the champion is, however, as you know Oscar has usually been the Golden exception to most of their rules.


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