Berto speaks on first round stoppage over Bravo!

By G. Leon


Berto speaks on first round stoppage over Bravo!

GL: Congrats on your victory the other night. Can you give us some thoughts on your performance? "I trained hard for the fight and I felt great coming in. I was happy to get him out early. I can't complain, I'm just going to start getting ready for the next one."

GL: When will "the next one" take place?

Andre Berto: "I'm not sure yet, but I'm going to be in touch with my people in a couple of days, but you know me G, I want to get in there as soon as possible."

GL: Did you expect the fight to end so quickly?

AB: "No I didn't. I never going in there looking to work overtime, but Bravo is a tough veteran so I was a little surprised he got out of there in the first round."

GL: How did your team feel about the peformance and what direction do they plan on moving you in?

AB: "They were real excited about my performance and they're telling me it's going to be one step up after the other and bigger and better things."

GL: Will your next fight take place against Ben Tackie?

AB: "I'm not sure, I wouldn't mind. If he's ready to fight the fight we can make something happen. The welterweight division is back and it's stacked with talent."

GL: How long before we see you in there with a marquee name?

AB: "I feel that I'm still improving with every fight, but I feel ready to fight anyone. Wheover my team puts me in there with is who I'll fight. Soon it's going to get to a point where they're going to want me in there with a marquee name and believe me I'm ready."

GL: Is there anything you'd like to say in closing?

AB: "I want to thank my fans for all of their support and as always big thanks to"


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