BJ “EL Peligroso” Flores Interview

By Reg Jones


BJ “EL Peligroso” Flores Interview

"Look out cruiserweight division, I’m coming!"

Cruiserweight contender BJ Flores is ready for his debut in the cruiserweight division. The unbeaten Flores steps back into the ring May 13 against Ali “The Hammer Supreme to battle for the WBF Americas Cruiserweight Championship. Last night I had the opportunity to chat with BJ about his start in boxing, his career, and where his future is headed. It was amazing the poise and humbleness this young man has for the boxing game and life in general, I was thoroughly impressed.

RJ: BJ, Thanks for taking the time to speak to Boxingtalk today.

BJ: My pleasure, anytime.

RJ: BJ, you started boxing at a young age under the guidance of your father, has he always been your trainer?

BJ: Yes , my father introduced me to the sport and initiated my training and career, while he was stationed in the Army at Ford Hood, Texas  I also trained under Ken Adams who I learned a lot from early in my career. I’m currently trained by Danny Smith.

RJ: What has Danny Smith added to your arsenal that you didn’t learn from your father or Ken Adams?

BJ: Danny Smith has been great he has helped me with my defense and combinations tremendously. He has also helped me establish the ability to relax in the ring. Relaxing in the ring has increased my stamina.

RJ: BJ, I’ve read that you did two years of missionary work in Mexico, what kind of effect did that have on your life?

BJ: Being 18, 19 years old in Mexico I really learned to appreciate what I have in life. I feel blessed to be where I am and I feel blessed that I’m able to provide for my family and myself.

RJ: BJ, you truly seem like a humble young man, what do you think are the most important things your father instilled in you, besides boxing?

BJ: I think he instilled in me a strong work ethic and the ability to be self efficient, meaning I know how to take care of myself, so many people go through life depending on their parents to provide and take care of them and my father taught me how to fend for myself.

RJ: BJ, how do you feel about a Federal Commission being established?

BJ: I think it’s a great idea that will stop a lot of the crookedness in the sport. It will allow for the rules and regulations of the sport to be followed and adhered to. I’m all for it.

RJ: Growing up did you have any favorite fighters that you looked up to?

BJ: I’ve always been a fan of guys like Thomas Hearns and Marvin Hagler, even James Toney when he was a middleweight.

RJ: BJ, you have 10 KO’s out of your 15 wins, is it safe to assume you’re a KO artist in the making?

BJ: I wouldn’t consider myself a KO artist in the heavyweight division but now that I’m stepping down to cruiser I’ll be bringing my power with me and  a KO artist I shall be.

RJ: BJ, most of the boxing world knows that you split with Main Events, what happened?

BJ: I have nothing but respect for Main Events but they wanted me to continue my career in the heavyweight division and I truly wanted to go to cruiserweight division to stir things up.

RJ: Whose your pick for De La Hoya vs Mayorga?

BJ: I’ll be at that fight meeting with Golden Boy.  Everyone knows Mayorga is a big trash talker but I’m fully expecting De La Hoya to go in there and take him out. If Oscar reads this interview I want him to know I said “Get him outta there”

RJ: Is there any message you’d like to send to the cruiserweight division?

BJ: Look out cruiserweight division, I’m coming!

RJ: BJ, On behalf of Boxingtalk I’d like to again thank you for your time and we all look forward to you making  some noise in the cruiserweight division. God Bless

BJ. Thanks


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