Attorney admits WWE is fake!

By Scott Shaffer


Attorney admits WWE is fake!

After pro wrestler Chris Benoit murdered his wife and son and then committed suicide in what appeared to be a steroid-induced tragedy, there has been pressure to bring Vince McMahon's World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) under the regulation of Georgia's boxing commission. Such regulation would include testing wrestlers for illegal drugs including steroids. Predictably, the WWE is opposed to the move, threatening to avoid the state of Georgia if the WWE is forced to play by the same rules as boxing promoters.  "If those regulation are applied to us, we won't do Georgia," WWE attorney Jerry McDevitt told the Atlanta Journal Constitution. What was surprising was that McDevitt violated a former taboo by admitting the WWE is not a legitimate competition. "Almost every state knows, and has known for years, that wrestling is entertainment and not a sport. It's like Ice Capades," said McDevitt. No word yet on whether Vince McMahon has ordered a Smackdown on McDevitt. source: Atlanta Journal Constitution