Andre Dirrell Looks to Please Crowd and Stop Opponent

By Darren Nichols


Andre Dirrell Looks to Please Crowd and Stop Opponent

"I’m going to be what the crowd wants to see."

BoxingTalk:  Andre, how is training going for your fight this Friday against Kenny Kost?

Andre Dirrell:  I’ve been working really hard for this fight, and I’m in tip-top shape.  It was a good training camp and I’m focused.  I’m going into that ring 100% to do my thing.

BoxingTalk:  What do you know about your opponent?

Andre Dirrell:  He’s 11-2, he’s fought Andre Ward, and I know Andre handled him easily.  I know he throws a lot of hooks, so I’ll keep my jab in his face, and I expect to stop him.

BoxingTalk:  Most of your wins have come by knockout.  What happens if you get into the ring with Kost, and realize he can take your best shot?

Andre Dirrell:  I throw punches in bunches, so I’ll throw them all day if I have to and wear him out.

BoxingTalk:  Do you feel any added pressure knowing that this fight is televised?

Andre Dirrell:  It’s always a little added pressure when the fight is televised.  Any boxer knows that it’s just another step up when the fight is televised, but I handle pressure very well, and I’m going to go out there and surprise a lot of people.

BoxingTalk:  You had five fights in 2005 and five fights in 2006, are we going to you see you in the ring at least five times this year?

Andre Dirrell:  Definitely, I’m trying to get as close as I can to that world championship.  When I get around 18 fights then I’ll fight for the championship.

BoxingTalk:  The super middleweight division has gained some momentum over the past two years.  What do you feel you have to offer to your division?

Andre Dirrell:  There are a lot of prospects, and knowing that I have a lot of hand speed and sharp punches, I’m going to be what the crowd wants to see.

BoxingTalk:  What do you feel a win this Friday will do for your career?

Andre Dirrell:  Just another step up.  Each fight gets me that much closer to the championship.

BoxingTalk:  What can we expect to see from you once the bell rings on Friday?

Andre Dirrell:  Speed.  I’m going to use my hands, and go out here and do what I do best.


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