Alfredo Escalera Ready to Show the World What He's Made Of This Friday

By Darren Nichols


Alfredo Escalera Ready to Show the World What He's Made Of This Friday

"I’m ready to fight. I am ready to show the world that I’m an A-class fighter."

On this week's edition of ESPN's Friday Night Fights, the undefeated  Alfredo Escalera, Jr. gets closer to his goal of becoming a champion like his father when he goes up against the rugged Harvie Jolley.  Boxingtalk recently spoke with this cruiserweight to get his thoughts about his upcoming bout, why he feels his opponent won't last three rounds.

BT:  Alfredo, you have a fight coming up this Friday.  How is preparation going for that fight?

Alfredo Escalera:  Great.  I’ve been training really hard in the gym since May.

BT:  What do you know about your opponent, Harvey Jolley?

Alfredo Escalera:  I know he’s tall and a game fighter.  I’m expecting him to come and put up his best, but I’m bringing my best, and I’ll be giving him what I’ve got.

BT:  The last time we saw you in the ring, you fought to a draw, when you normally have knocked your opponents out.  Looking back, what made your last fight different from all your knockout victories?

Alfredo Escalera:  Derrick Brown was intimidated by power and my strength.  He wouldn’t sit still, and spent a lot of time running.  He was scared of fighting me.

BT:  What do you feel is your biggest advantage coming into this fight?

Alfredo Escalera:  My preparation.  This doesn’t have anything to do with who my opponent is.  I’m ready to fight.  I am ready to show the world that I’m an A-class fighter, and I’m ready to show them what I’ve got.

BT:  Do you want to make a statement in this fight by knocking your opponent out early?

Alfredo Escalera:  Of course that would be wonderful, but I’m not going to go out there and search for that.

BT:  Even though most of your fights have ended in knockouts, what will you do if Jolley is still standing after taking your best shot?

Alfredo Escalera:  What I’ve trained for.  If I can’t knock him out I’ll put on a boxing clinic.  I want to show off my talent.

BT:  What is your prediction for your fight this Friday?

Alfredo Escalera:  He’s done by three.

BT:  What would you like to say to all the fans out there who will be coming out to watch you fight this Friday night?

Alfredo Escalera:   Sit tight, hold on to your drinks, and don’t’ be surprised if he’s laid out.  There’s no doubt in my mind what I possess.


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