Adamek to Hopkins: "Anywhere, Anytime!"


Adamek to Hopkins: "Anywhere, Anytime!"

Press Release: After losing a very close rematch with Jermain Taylor last week, all-time Middleweight great Bernard Hopkins expressed that one of his preferred options to close is illustrious career might be to move up 15 pounds and become the first Middleweight champion to win a Light Heavyweight title. WBC Light Heavyweight Tomasz Adamek, who just turned 29 on December 1st, says he would be happy to oblige The Executioner. "I'm ready to fight with him anywhere, anytime," said Adamek this weekend from his home in Poland.  "I'll fight him in Philadelphia too." Adamek, though largely unknown in the United States, believes he has the skills and strength to neutralize the future Hall of Famer.  "I'm physically stronger and I'm a younger, better fighter. And I will kick his butt."  After two impressive title fight wins against Paul Briggs and Thomas Ulrich, Adamek (30-0, 21 KO's) feels he is the best 175 lb. fighter in the world today. When asked why, the six-foot-1 1/2 inch Adamek said, "I've got the WBC belt that Roy Jones had for many years. And I'm not afraid to fight anybody. I proved it in Germany in my last fight. I went to Germany and knocked out Ulrich with one punch in the 6th round." Hopkins vs. Adamek for the WBC Light Heavyweight title...can Hopkins do what Robinson, Hagler, Monzon and all the other Middleweight greats could not? [Editor's note: Monzon and Hagler never tried moving up to 175] Can Hopkins be the first Middleweight champ to win the Light Heavyweight title? [Editor's note: the answer is a resounding No! Tommy Hearns, Ray Leonard, Roy Jones, Bob Fitzsimmons, Dick Tiger and others have already done it] It might be the most interesting option for Bernard Hopkins to consider as his farewell fight.Â