A "Dynamite" Interview With Dean Phillips!

By Brad Cooney


A "Dynamite" Interview With Dean Phillips!

"DYNAMITE" Dean Phillips (14-5-0) (WBO #17) will step into this next fight looking to capture the Commonwealth ( British Empire ) Lightweight Title. His opponent will be the tough Kevin "BULLDOG" Bennett (15-4-0). The bout is scheduled for November 19th in Hartlepool England, Phillips is looking to capture this belt, and move up from his current UK ranking of 8th. I recently had an opportunity to speak with this British brawler, and you will see why I was so impressed with him.

BC: Dean, we have spoken a few times in the past, good to talk again....... Talk about this next big fight you have coming up in November.

DP: I am challenging Kevin Bennett for his Commonwealth Lightweight title. Bennett is highly ranked here in the UK, and winning this fight will set me up with some big domestic fights thereafter, as well as bringing me my first of my professional career.

BC: Dean, with a win you will be crowned the Commonwealth Lightweight Title holder. What does this do for you concerning a World Title shot?

DP: Well a win would put me in line to fight for the WBO World Lightweight title. However, it will also open doors for other things
such as a British, and Commonwealth showdown, with the current British Champ. I am also in talks about going stateside too, so
I am going to have a bit of a think about which route to take. However, first things first, and that is the Commonwealth Title
fight, which I am really looking forward to.

BC: Dean, so you are considering coming to the United States to train, and fight over here?

DP: I have a number of options set up for after the Commonwealth fight, and one of those options involves possibly fighting in the States. However, I am a hundred percent focused on this fight before I think of anything else, but yes, going to the states is definitely an option.

BC: Dean, for some that may not know, you took some time away from the square circle. Now that you have returned, you seem to have clear intentions on being a World Champion. Talk about what is different this time around, as opposed to your first go around in boxing.

DP:I am fast approaching my peak, and everything is coming together nicely. I am fast approaching my peak, and everything is coming together nicely. My first intention is to reach the top of the tree in the UK, and so far so good.I have only been back competitively since last November (11 months) and already I have worked my way into title contention. 2005 will be a big year for me, and I will shift my attention to the World stage after I clean up domestically.
BC:Dean, what style of boxing do you bring into the ring?

DP: I have a come forward, all action style of fighting. I have a very high workrate and can hit really hard with either hand. I rarely take a backward step in my fights, but I can box as well as fight when needed. You could say I am an aggressive box-fighter.

BC:Dean, if you do come to the United States, you will bring your European style of fighting with you. How much adjustment, if any will you have to do going up against more American opponents?

DP: One of the qualities I possess is that I can adjust very quickly to whatever style I am against. In the early days, I went with
Colin McMillian, the former WBO Featherweight Champ, in just my 9th or 10th fight. He had like 27 fights and was former WorldChampion at the time. He had pure silky, smooth boxing skills with very fast hands. It took me just a half of one round to work out his style, as I had him on the floor by the end of the 1st round, and in serious trouble on 3 other occassions before losing a hotly disputed hometown decision. McMillian had an awkward, switch hitting style, so being able to work out such a style so quickly speaks volumes. More recently, in this comeback I stopped Garry Hibbet, a counter-puncher, and Michael Muya, a tall rangy boxer who was extremely resilient.

BC: Dean, let's get back to your opponent for this next big fight. You go up against a tough Kevin Bennett, what do you know about your opponent, and is there anything about him that concerns you?

DP: In his last fight, he lost a decision to Jason Cook for the IBO Lightweight Title. He spent most of it covering up,
and barely did much work to be honest. It made for a dull uninteresting fight. Cook also failed to impress. Whatever plan
Bennett plans to bring to the table, I will be ready for it. This is my time now!



Send questions and comments to: bradcooney1@bellsouth.net