

Boxing’s version of “March Madness” – Spring Break Ladies Night at the Fights

Press release: On Friday March 31st, 2006, the city of Nashville, TN will bear witness to a unique mix of sports, music and spring break. Fight Beat Entertainment is proud to present “The Road to Glory: Spring Break Ladies Night at the Fights.” For the first time in over five years, Nashville will host a world championship fight, as Bobby Gunn (15-2 12 KO’s) and Shelby Gross (16-3 13 KO’s) vie for the vacant IBA Cruiserweight title.  In the Co-feature, undefeated lightweight sensation, James Pillow (13-0 10 KO’s) and battle-tested Marty “Two Sweet” Robbins (21-31 15 KO’s) throw down in a Tennessee Civil War. Also in action are Pillow’s Columbia Boxing Gym stablemates, Sammy “Silk” Sparkman and 2000 US Olympic alternate James “Spider” Webb in separate welterweight bouts. FBE will also showcase some of Tennessee’s finest young rappers as the debut of  “Open Mic Night” is presented. Aspiring rappers get their chance to spit their best stuff in front of their largest audience in battle-format – battles on the mic, that is. All ladies – from High School students to honored great-grandmothers – are eligible for a buy two and get one free special – buy two tickets in the $50, $35 or $15 area, get one ticket free. To purchase tickets and schedule interviews, call Fight Beat Entertainment at (615) 687-6849.